Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Having a Baby and Past Your Due Date

As your due date approached, you probably waited with breathless anticipation for your water to break and the contractions to start.
So, is it a week later and you're still waiting? It isn't uncommon for babies to be late.
While it would be nice to know the exact date your little bundle of joy will be here, all you and your doctor can really do is make an educated guess.
Actually, you are not officially considered to be past due until two weeks have passed since your due date.
This is because it is so common for babies to be born up to two weeks late (and two weeks early).
Once you have passed the 42 week mark, your doctor may take notice and wonder what's going on.
Your baby is more likely to be born late if he is a boy, and if having late babies runs in your family.
If this is your first pregnancy, you have a greater chance of a late delivery.
In addition, if your initial calculations for the due date were off you may not really be late yet.
Late pregnancies are not usually caused by medical complications and that is why most often a watchful waiting approach is taken.
However, once the extra two weeks have passed, the risk of medical complications for you and baby begin to rise.
Your baby could grow so large you have difficulty with delivery.
The placenta may start to decline and not nourish your baby as well.
To prevent these complications, your midwife or doctor might decide to induce your labour.
To induce labour, you are given medications that cause your cervix to open and contractions to begin.
The midwife may go ahead and break your water to hurry things along.
The decision to induce labour will depend upon the overall health of your baby and you.
Having a baby is nerve racking in itself but when you are overdue it can take a toll on your emotions.
You live each day knowing labour could strike at any moment.
By this point you are probably tired of lugging around a huge belly and dealing with backaches.
To help you cope, try to live life as normally as possible.
Continue with your social functions rather than sitting at home on pins and needles waiting for your water to break.
When you first found out you were having a baby, you probably went online and read everything you could about pregnancy and delivery.
Chances are you have come across home remedies and old wives tales on inducing labour at home.
Be very cautious about actually trying any of these because they might cause harm to you or your child especially if it involves ingesting herbs.
Try to be patient and keep in mind your pregnancy can't go on forever, it will end soon even if it has to be induced.
Before long you will be holding a beautiful brand new baby and when you look into his eyes you'll feel like all the discomforts associated with having a baby were worth it.

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