When You Sweat Too Much
Experts share tips to help you cope with heavy sweating.
Sweating on the Job continued...
Tote along deodorant or antiperspirants. Reapply them in the middle of the day or before a stressful meeting, says dermatologist Eric Schweiger, MD, of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.
Dress in layers year-round. For men, wearing an undershirt can help soak up some of the sweat, Schweiger says. Women could wear an absorbent camisole top or dress shields.
Choose clothing in looser weaves. ''The tighter the weaver, the hotter the clothes," says Patricia Farris, MD, clinical associate professor of dermatology at Tulane University in New Orleans and a member of the American Academy of Dermatology. Instead, choose clothes with a looser weave, such as linens. Silk is a fabric to avoid, she says, because it makes you feel hotter.
Pocket a handkerchief. If you keep one in your pocket or purse, you can wipe off excess sweat quickly before you need to shake hands.
Skip the spicy lunches. Eating certain foods, such as hot peppers, can affect the amount of sweat you produce. Eating other foods, including onions and garlic, can make your sweat smell worse. So no matter how good that hot jalapeno pizza lunch special looks, try to pass.
Sweating Through Your Clothes
The right clothes can make a big difference if you tend to sweat a lot.
Become a label reader. Look for clothing labels that say the fabric is the type that wicks away moisture, Glaser says. Or look for clothing with high cotton content.
Pick colors wisely. "'White will show more sweat," Schweiger says. But it won't be as visible on other colors, nor on prints or patterns.
Buy ''breathable" shoes. That will reduce sweat, and it's important especially if your feet are generally sweaty, Glaser says.
Skip hats. Keeping your head cool is as important as keeping your feet cool in the anti-sweat war, Glaser says.
Tote a wardrobe change. If you carry an extra shirt or blouse to work or a social function, or always leave a quick change in your car, you can wipe and wash away sweat when necessary, then change to fresh clothes -- or at least from the waist up.