Most people know that hypnotherapy is very effective in changing unwanted habits like smoking and overeating and, dealing with fears and phobias.
Hypnosis has been recognised by the medical profession as an effective tool in treating conditions such as IBS, panic attacks and coping with a cancer diagnosis or cancer treatments, but does the process of hypnotherapy benefit the body as a whole? Psychoneuroimmunology is an impressive name for what is being hailed as a new science.
Yet for something that sounds so complicated it is, in effect a basic principle, and isn't new at all.
It has been around for literally thousands of years.
It's the study of the relationship between the Brain and the immune system function, the link between mental processes and health.
Doctors have been aware for decades of the link between stress and lowered or impaired immunity, but it is only recently with the advances in technology, that they have been able to access information from various immunological cells and molecules in the human body.
Stress in small doses is not harmful to the human body; in fact Doctors believe it can be beneficial.
We have all experienced the fight or flight response the sudden increase in heart rate, rapid breathing, dry mouth, sweaty palm, but what is actually happening inside the body? Well, hormones are being released to prepare the body for fight or flight.
Catecholamine hormones, including adrenaline, and noradrenaline are flooding the body, releasing glucose into the muscles to increase energy levels, the heart is pumping hard to get more blood into the muscles, the lungs are working harder to take in more oxygen.
In man's ancient past we needed this burst of energy to run away from predators, or deal with other life threatening situations.
It is an autonomic response, which means it is something we don't have conscious control over, when we are startled or frightened the body triggers this reaction without conscious thought.
The real problem comes when negative thinking and low levels of stress become a chronic, insidious process which releases a steady continuous stream of damaging hormones into the bloodstream.
In today's modern living, chronic stress can trigger low levels of the fight or flight response.
The brain can't tell whether a threat is real or imagined so negative thinking can switch on the damaging hormone release.
Most of us have experienced times in our lives when we have been stressed for a period of time; we get "run down" and seem to catch lots of colds and other opportunistic viruses.
If stress levels remain high for long periods without respite, studies have shown that this can depress the immune system, and cause inflammation within the body, this can over a period of time, lead to serious conditions like, cancer, heart disease, dementia's, diabetes and a host of other life threatening or chronic disabling conditions.
So what can we do about it? Well the exciting thing is that evidence has shown that positive thinking, meditation, prayer, hypnotherapy, mindfulness and techniques like guided imagery through hypnosis, and a combination of good nutrition and moderate exercise, promotes the release of beneficial hormones this in turn boosts the immune system, and negates the damaging effect of stress hormones on the body.
Our government continues to pour billions of pounds into acute medical care services, and virtually nothing by comparison into disease prevention.
It really is up to us to take control of our own health.
The word, exercise, may provoke images of sweaty, red faces and gasping for breath, but actually all that is needed for health benefit, is a 30 minute brisk minute walk, every day if possible, preferably in a natural environment, eating a wide variety of fruit and vegetables.
Maybe add some beans and lentils.
Eating good sources of protein, lean meat or fish.
Drink alcohol in sensible quantities.
Now we know there is something else to add to the list.
Positive thinking! Positive thinking promotes positive health?...
as I said it's nothing new, it just confirms what was understood and promoted as far back as 300 BC in the Asclepeion healing temples of ancient Greece.
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