- The Jenny Craig program is one example of a regimented diet. Jenny Craig dieters get started through a consultation with a program director to customize diet plans based on their profiles. Daily food will be supplied by Jenny's Cuisine, which includes three meals and a snack. Supplementary food of fruits and vegetables must be purchased by the dieter separately. Jenny's Cuisine food is prepared considering nutritional balance, food variety, and moderate eating. A consultant is assigned with each dieter to provide motivation and share information to help achieve or maintain the required weight.
- Nutrisystem is another regimented diet program which provides meal delivery and online support. Nutrisystem's choice of meals is based on the food's glycemic index or the level by which the blood sugar increases after eating the food. A 28-day plan that is suitable to the dieter is first selected, and meals which include "fresh-frozen" items will be delivered including a results kit. Nutrisystem has different plans for women, men, and diabetics; all of which are planned considering a balanced diet and hunger control.
- The eDiets program offers a variety of plans which includes the standard eDiet plan, the "Glycemic Impact Diet" plan, and the "Mediterranean Diet" plan. A customized plan can also be designed considering the profile of the dieter, and can be chosen from thousand of various recipes. Dietitians and fitness consultants are available for phone support, while other Nutrisystem online community members provide help through the online message boards.
- Another choice of a regimented diet plan is In the Zone Delivery. Initial consultation is done by phone, and service can be availed after one or two days. Their principle in preparing food takes into account a balanced combination of 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent fat, and 30 percent protein. For each day, packaged food consisting of three gourmet meals and two snacks will be home-delivered. Weekly service can be set at five, six, or seven days.
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