Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

What Removes Engine Gunk & Buildup?


    • A degreaser is used to remove the gunk and buildup of oil or grease on a car engine. First thing to do is warm up your car engine to loosen the gunk. The engine must not be too hot, just warm. Citrus degreaser is one of the best types of degreaser on the market. The citrus degreaser does not damage the paint or aluminum components of the engine and is biodegradable. The degreaser can remove a lot of the gunk off the engine after sitting a few minutes.


    • Many parts of the engine will still be dirty after using a degreaser. A good detailing brush and a biodegradable cleaning solvent is used to get into the smaller parts of the engine block and components. Remember to clean your brush after gunk or grime builds up on the teeth. A dirty brush will only spread the grime and not remove it from the engine. Never use a wire brush or hard bristle brush because these brushes can damage the surface of the engine. Only use a soft bristle brush to detail the smaller parts of the engine.

    Soap and Water

    • After everything other area is cleaned with the degreaser and cleaning solvent, it will be necessary to hand clean many other parts of the engine with soap and water. Mix the soap and water in a spray bottle so electrical components of the engine will be protected from water seeping into the areas. A good hand towel or shop towel is used to wipe off the remaining dirty areas. Spray the mixture into the remaining dirty areas of the engine and wipe immediately with the shop towel.


    • After cleaning the gunk and buildup off the engine, it will be necessary to protect the hoses and plastics contained inside the engine compartment. Without adding a protective solution to these engine components, they can prematurely deteriorate or break. A good rubber or vinyl protectant is wiped down onto the hoses and plastic with a shop towel. Some areas of the engine and engine compartment can be waxed with a high quality sealant to make the paint shine. You add the sealant the same way you would wax the outside of the car, by applying the sealant and wiping it down after it has dried.

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