Yeast infection on skin is common and this is because a number of yeasts are naturally found on skin.
Yeast is a fungus and therefore, expect a fungal infection on skin.
The single celled fungus will overgrow and cause the infection but, there might be other factors that might be causing the yeast to overgrow and they might include the following.
The use of drugs like antibiotics, birth control pills and others will change the environment and cause yeast to overgrow.
It is very easy to notice the symptoms of the infection and the fungus is known to make the skin resemble elephant skin.
Yeast infection on skin will affect everyone including very young children.
You therefore need to be careful with children who use diapers.
Candida is a wise organism that knows every change present in the body and takes advantage of this.
If you do not keep the skin dry and clean as possible, you might suffer an infection.
In children you might be fooled by a rash resembling a diaper rash but, the only difference is that is does not go away.
Make a point of going through your child's skin an check under skin folds for any infection.
The truth is, you might observe the necessary hygiene and find yourself still infected.
Some of the symptoms that will inform you of skin infection on skin are itching, rash, some clear fluid will flow out of the rash, a certain odor and others.
You will notice that there are very many other conditions that present themselves with this condition and, you can see a doctor who will make a diagnosis.
The testing will involve taking a sample of your skin tissue where you have a yeast infection on skin and, looking for what the organism is under a microscope.
You might discover that your condition is intertrigo which is a form of infection by yeast on skin.
Make sure you avoid the factors that may lead to an infection.
Some of the factor that will cause yeast infection on skin you need to avoid are tight clothing and humid hot weather.
When you have intertrigo, the symptoms will be red and scaly lesions, different sizes of rash close together and are sometimes called satellite lesions and more.
For more information on the various kinds of rash you can expect, go to the internet and you will find it very helpful.
When you visit a doctor, they can diagnose based on the features of the condition but, they can also do other tests to rule out bacterial infections of the skin.
The treatment for this condition is anti fungal and the are many creams you can use for this.
To prevent yeast infections on skin, you can do several things which include keeping every part of it dry, wearing suitable cloths which will allow air to enter, you can also apply anti fungal absorbent powder every day to prevent infection.
Washing the affected area with soap and water daily will also go a long way in helping you heal properly.
If need be, make a point of visiting a doctor who will give you more advise.