Smartphones are a mental disease, they are so much ingrained into many people's DNA they are practically an extended part of the body.
Most people cannot go a day an hour or for most a conscious 5 minutes without looking at the all important cellphone.
Its getting to a point that cellphones are like our new alter ego.
In it we can escape the reality we live in.
In a push of a button we are in beautiful places, doing exotic things even if you are sitting on the bus next to a B.
O bandit in a heat wave.
Our ability to remember things and be in the moment is slipping down a path which we don't know anything about.
Cellphones are designed to keep you mindless, to keep you stunted, under control and constant monitoring.
Cellphones do offer a positive way of sending and receiving information and being able to connect to people around the world, but they are also taking allot more from us than we know.
Here are a few tips to help improve the mindless, mental slavery and attachment cellphones have on so many people.
Smartphones are only a part of the problem, they are a very large part of the problem that has begun to plaque the Earth we all live on.
The root cause of the mental disease that cellphones have contributed to in a great way is, attachment.
Attachment to ideas, dreams alternate fake realities that people live in, around the world.
Most of this is created by the media, the economic system that puts money and things as the definition of happiness and success.
Money, products, status are all attachments, false illusions of reality.
Cellphones give the common person a glimpse into this fake illusion of happiness and success.
By having the smartphone next to the body for the most part of the day.
This is not only an unhealthy dependence mentally, emotionally and inter-personally; it offers a great deal of negative physical health risks.
Cellphones, Smartphones, Tablets and all wireless receiving devices emit from them and attract to them EMF radiation.
Cell-towers send the signals through frequencies that we cannot see (ELF) Extremely Low Frequency's.
How a EMF Electro Magnetic Frequency ELF wave does harm to you physically is, that it disrupts our body's neurological and cell communication pathways.
Our cells, tissues, organs every single part of the human body runs on an electrical current.
That's how it repairs itself, feeds itself and regulates day to day living.
This all operates on a frequency of between 7-8 Hz in a healthy body.
ELF waves coming from cell-towers operate at a much lower frequency in the low 2-4 Hz.
When this interacts with the cells of your brain closest to the Smartphone, it scrambles and disrupts the normal communication.
This leads to Headaches, ringing in the ears, insomnia, fuzzy thinking fatigue and cancer.
Here are a few things to do to use your phones responsibly in a healthy way physically mentally and emotionally.
Practice detachment- detachment is the art of not letting anything have to much of an impact on you.
This can be learned through mediation and mindfulness.
Learning to control the thoughts and impulses Smartphones have allowed access to so easily.
You do not need the information exactly at each moment you think it.
If you can control your attachment to unnecessary thoughts, you can control your need to grab your Smart phone every 30 seconds for no reason other than its there and you can.
More often than not your just wasting time and energy looking at stupid crap.
Get several types of EMF protection- Air-tube headsets give you the ability to talk on the phone while keeping the phone away from your body and more importantly your Brain.
Air-tube headsets also do not allow EMF frequency's to travel up the metal wire into your brain like normal headsets do.
Eliminating as much EMF exposure to your brain is crucial.
Physical EMF protection barriers such as holsters or carriers keep the cellphone from emitting EMF radiation to you while you are not using it, carrying it with you in a pocket.
EMF radiation chips or Orgonite that attach directly to the phones closest to the antenna absorb a lot of the EMF radiation that goes directly into your brain.
Also wearing a EMF protection pendant around your neck or in a bracelet helps protect the body from radiation anyplace you go.
Learn to turn off the phone when your not using it.
Sleeping is a great example, your not in need of a cellphone when you sleep so why keep it on? If you are an emergency res-ponder or simply cannot cope with the idea of not being connected by cellphone 24/7 keep the phone at least 10 feet away from you.
Learn to let go of the idea of not knowing whats going on with people not next to you 24/7.
This is detachment.
Let go of the things you cannot control, your life will dramatically improve.
By walking away from your cellphones and not having them near all the time your learning a valuable life lesson of detachment.
Learning this will improve every single aspect of your life guaranteed.
If you a mover and a shaker, type A personality that simply has to be in demand, on the go all the time everyday no matter what no matter how; and does actually need the smart phone implanted in the body 24/7.
Doing a body cleanse will improve your reaction to the radiation that cellphones emit.
EMF radiation reacts more strongly to cells in the body that have mold and fungus.
If you can clean your body from Fungus and mold through a detox, you will greatly improve your mental clarity as well as reduce the chances of cancer and other diseases that cellphones use contribute to.
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