Sometimes the chemical cure is worse than the bite.
Most pharmaceutical drugs have unwanted side effects that can create more problems for you.
All anti-fungal pills and treatment applications can have side effects that increase your itching and burning.
They also have the known added attractions of making you dizzy, sick to your stomach and leaving an unpleasant taste in your mouth.
Suppository treatments you buy can also leave you dealing excessive, funky discharge.
As if all that wasn't enough, these do nothing to eliminate the underlying cause.
You're not alone in trying to find some yeast infection natural remedies.
The healing properties of plants and herbs have been used to treat many infections very successfully for centuries.
Holistic medicine believes that whole body health is the best way to maintain a human.
They rely on safe, natural compounds instead of chemical drugs.
Naturalistic medicine uses a combination of natural remedies.
The herbal and vitamin supplements suggested work to lower your body pH and inhibit the growth of yeast.
They will also help to lessen the irritation of your inflamed skin areas.
Echinacea was used in combination with over the counter yeast treatments in Germany with surprising results.
Sixty percent of the women studied who did not use the Echinacea extract had recurring infections.
The women who used Echinacea did not.
Vitamin B3 lessens your discomfort by up to 50% as soon as absorbed by the body.
Daily doses of 500-2000mg of Vitamin C are very effective in curing this disease.
Teatree oil is used to cure many types of infections all over the world.
While not widely known in the US, Australia reports it to work very well as yeast infection natural remedies.
Lavender oil and extract are also good when treating a yeast infection.
Lavender lotions soothe your irritated skin and adding lavender oil to a hot bath soak will have you feeling more comfortable quickly.
Apple cider vinegar added to a hot bath with Epsom salts and even some oatmeal will bring you rapid relief.
Taking 2 tablespoons of organic or unpasteurized apple cider vinegar orally every day helps lower body pH quickly.
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