Health & Medical Mental Health

History of Bipolar Disorder - You Should Know This

The history of bipolar disorder dates back more than 2000 years, where extreme cases of depression and evident mood swings were clearly identified in a patient after a close medical evaluation.
With time, the disorder was very significant where reviews showed how mentally ill patients were being taken care of in hospitals in Paris.
This is the period when the illness was clearly emphasized and it clearly showed the clear relationship between depression and mania where in extreme cases it led permanent psychosis.
This review was done in the 18th century in Paris.
In 1899 a German psychiatrist used the term depression to describe bipolar disorder.
The word depressive illness was used in the past to describe bipolar disorder, the history of bipolar disorder shows that abnormal behaviors were presented by patients.
The German psychiatrist known as Emil kraepelin was able to classify the way in which a person who suffered from the disorder behaved before and after receiving treatment.
The psychiatrist named the disorder as manic depressive psychosis and made a clear and close observation during periods when the disorder displayed no symptoms among patients.
The history of bipolar disorder shows that it is one of the oldest mental illnesses that have a great connection with schizophrenia.
However the disorder is solely classified from other serious mental illnesses which cause a permanent damage and serious neurological problems to patients suffering from the disease.
Since it was discovered, doctors and psychiatrist worked their way out to find medication to the disorder which seemed to affect more patients both adults and children.
The medical research option that the medical practitioners came up with includes medications and therapies which were administered to patients on a long term or short basis.
The medication depends on how well the body responds to medication and how severe the condition is.
The medication in kids is administered starting small progressively so that the Child's body system can get accustomed to the medication slowly without any complications.
In 1952, research results showed the genetics behind the disorder both in adults and children.
In 1962, the disorder was not termed as a legitimate and serious illness that required a lot of medical attention.
Patients were not given a lot of attention but in 1970 patients with the disorder formed an association to seek proper medical attention.
In the year 1980, the term bipolar disorder officially took the place of manic depressive illness and is still used in the medical field up to date giving you the brief history of bipolar disorder.

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