Health & Medical Pain Diseases

5 Simple Tips To Prevent Back Pain

If you get together a group of ten people and ask if anyone has ever suffered from back pain, chances are that at least eight of the ten will answer affirmatively.
Back pain is very common and although the causes can be varied, for example inflammation of the sciatic nerve or osteoarthritis, the large majority of back pain instances are caused by bad posture and weakened muscles.
This combination of bad body posture, lack of exercise and even stress accounts for most people's back pain.
For these cases, the following are five simple things you can do to help you prevent and eliminate this type of pain: 1.
This is really important.
When you are holding yourself up in a bad posture you are mis-aligning your back and thereby putting far too much tension and strain on muscles that should be balanced.
The opposite, a good posture means your body is aligned, is in tune, and therefore muscle tension is spread out as it should be.
Your back is help up by muscles, ligaments and joints, when you stand or sit all these are working to hold you up.
Keeping things aligned, in the correct and natural position, eliminates stress.
There are two parts to this.
The first is strengthening exercises for your back, buttock and stomach muscles.
When any of the muscles are weak, they will tire and begin to ache.
You will then find a position to soften the pain and this will mean taking an incorrect position, and the whole pain provoking cycle begins again.
The second part of this exercise tip refers to lifting things.
if you lift something heavy (or even a lighter object but from an unnatural position), the amount of stress you put on the muscles, ligaments and joints can cause back pain.
What you should do is avoid lifting heavy loads, do not bend your waist - if you do you are dividing your strength and causing undue stress as well as running the risk of a severe back strain.
The horrible words, excess weight.
Even so it is a major cause of back pain.
In order to prevent potential back problems you should reduce excess weight as this not only affects your overall health but will also cause extra and continuous strain on your muscles.
If you combine excess weight, bad posture and weak muscles you have the perfect recipe for back ache.
Change your position,
and avoid staying in one position for too long.
It may sound foolish but do not stay in the same position for too long as again you will be causing undue tension to your muscles.
Move about every so often.
Staying is a static position as you work at your desk or computer can cause muscle fatigue.
We spend about 30% of our lives, sleeping.
You should sleep on a firm mattress so your body mass is distributed evenly.
A soft mattress will end up causing you pain and discomfort and is a recipe for back ache.

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