Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Stock Investing Advice - How Do I Start Investing in the Stock Market?

Both newbie and veteran investors alike will come across and provide stock investing advice.
This is all well and good for as long as you known how to separate the chaff from the wheat, so to speak.
Here are a few of the many stock investing tips we have come across that have been proven to be made of substance.
Just use what is applicable in your case.
You should trade only when your entry and exit strategy calls for it.
Greed, fear and envy have no place in the stock market because these will lead to emotional decisions.
Keep in mind that success in the stock market is all about making practical decisions based on reliable information and secure knowledge, not of emotions, feelings and hearsay.
It also pays to rein in your impulses to trade in or out based on hot tips, friends' recommendations and suggestions from television gurus.
It must be noted that trading too much will only make your broker and the taxman agency, no thanks to the broker fees and taxes attached to each and every trade.
The most important stock investing advice and one that cannot be overemphasized is to buy low and sell high.
You buy stocks when these have low prices and then sell them at the highest possible price within the limits of your entry and exit strategy.
If you want profits within the first few minutes of buying low, we suggest becoming a day trader.
It just so happen that it is now picking up after hibernation from the recession.
There are cases, however, when you have bought low and yet the stocks continue to dive in value.
In this case, do look at your acceptable level of losses for the time period and if your actual losses reach that point, then sell without hesitation.
For example, if you want losses amounting to $500 for a certain stock in a week's time and that point has been reached, sell immediately when an offer comes your way.
Sure, the prices may increase in just a day's time but it can also plummet to twice that amount.
The question is: Are you willing to risk $1,000 loss when your investment portfolio is at just $2,000? Most probably not, if human nature is to be the basis of the answer.
You will be able to secure more stock investing advice, hot tips, and recommendations over the Internet, you can bet your bottom dollar on that fact of an investor's life.
Oftentimes, the only way you can protect yourself from the bad ones is to use your common sense, which was borne of knowledge and experience in the first place.

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