We have all been there, on a project where the inevitable has happened.
You guessed it, the code is late into testing, delivered at the 11th hour.
Entry criteria has come under threat and possibly been ignored completely.
Your test environment has been delivered but remains unproven as the code has not been available.
The Project Manager has been harassed by the business stakeholders for the development delay and is not interested in your problems.
IT Management are pressing to see the project delivered on time and to top it all, Marketing have arranged for a campaign launch to occur on the prescribed delivery date.
As the Test Manager, you are now the primary obstacle to go live; the success of the project is resting on your shoulders.
Oh yes, and your six week testing window has been reduced to four.
This is the stress (no pun intended), of the test execution phase.
Not only are you now required to think out of the box in order to complete the testing, but you must also be thinking at a far wider level than just testing.
There are actions that can be taken at a project level which can make a massive difference to the work of the testers.
Let's start by looking at this from the wider perspective.
I remember a situation on a very early project I was managing.
Sat in a project progress meeting and being asked how we could test with an execution window reduced from four weeks to two.
I dug my heels in and refused to budge, resulting in a separate meeting immediately afterwards with the PM, being instructed that this was not the right course of action and getting some early tuition in the art of testing.
Back to our problem, there are several actions that can be taken at project level to help with the situation and it may be possible to assist the PM by making some recommendations.
(1) Does the application all need to be placed live? Are there any aspects of the application that could be put live as part of a second release, reducing the scope of the testing required? (2) Can the release occur to internal users only? This minimises the risk of damage in the event of production defects, meaning that exit criteria may be reviewed.
(3) Can additional development effort be applied to recover whilst in development? Regardless of the answers at a project level, the following can be applied by the Test Manager to handle the situation from within testing: (1) Insert the testers into the development team and increase the unit and integration in the small testing.
Improve the quality before it hits testing, reducing the volume of defects found and therefore the duration.
(2) Consider taking components of the application that are finished, prior to the arranged delivery date.
It is likely that there are only certain parts of the application that are causing the delay and not the entirety of the application.
Bringing in some parts early, increases the testing window and enables recovery of some of the lost time.
(3) Apply a risk based testing technique.
Test the high risk elements of the application first and work through the testing in order of risk.
When time runs out, this should mean that the only the items of lower risk have been omitted.
(4) Increase the hours being worked by the team.
Look at options around overtime and weekend working.
If using offshore capabilities then look at working two days in one.
(A word of warning at this point, if the testers are working, they need to be supported by the environment support staff and the developers.
Testing alone will only increase the flow of defects making it harder for development to keep up and an environment issue could stop all out of hours work.
) (5) Consider overlapping some of the testing phases.
If UAT is being run as a separate phase, after functional testing, look at overlapping some of the UAT with the functional testing that is occurring.
(6) Ensure that there is a high focus on defect prioritisation by the business.
Make sure the developers are fixing what needs to be fixed first.
(Don't ignore severity at this point.
) (7) Monitor defect turnaround.
If the development has arrived late it is indicative of problems and a slow defect turnaround will cripple the project and whilst testing may complete, whilst the exit criteria will have been corrupted.
(8) Can more environments be made available? There is likely to already be a requirement for multiple environments, but if you begin overlapping test phases, functional with non-functional, with UAT, then the volume of environments needed may increase.
(9) Carry out a review of the exit criteria for the project.
Bear in mind that this was set prior to the problems occurring and although they are the desired outcome, some compromise may need to be reached.
Work out what is acceptable and don't forget that if coverage is reduced, the numbers of defects are indicative of only a percentage of the testing.
80% coverage, means that you have possibly only have discovered 80% of the defects and it is good to assume that 20% remain unfound.
Actions (2), (3) and (5) above, all increase risk in some manner.
Ensure that the project and stakeholders have agreed to these risks and that where possible mitigating actions are in place.
To summarise, there are many actions that can be taken within testing to deal with a slippage, whilst maintaining the original delivery date.
Don't forget the project elements that can make a difference.
I am sure there are more but do ensure that all aspects are being looked at and only then start to compromise on the testing.
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