Uniform is like the face of a team. It helps a team to identify itself as a unit with the fans. Baseball is a team sports, all the players of a team are responsible for performance of the team. When fans cheer a team, dressed in its jersey, they show their support for the entire team, not an individual. Baseball uniform was introduced in 1849 by the New York Knickerbockers. Since 1849 the baseball field has witnessed jerseys of different types. Some were real eyesores while few of them were so captivating that it remained in vogue for the next few decades. You can also find vintage uniforms used by few MLB's teams in present days as well.
Let's have a look at some of the most popular baseball uniforms.
Best baseball uniforms
St. Louis Cardinals
Here is something to cheer about for the fans of the Cardinals. The classis white jersey of the team has been adjusted as one of the best baseball uniforms by number of reputed sources. Though, people have not liked the new throwback jersey worn by the players in the last season.
Oakland A's
Jersey of Oakland A's was regarded as too bold but now people see it as a modern classic. The green and gold jersey has thrown up some surprising facts. It has emerged as a surprise winner among great baseball uniforms.
New York Yankee
When we think of pin stripped uniform the name of the New York Yankee comes to our mind instantly. Such has become the association of the uniform with the team. Though the paints have become looser than previous and have reduced attractiveness of the uniform by a certain degree, the Yankees still outdo many other teams when it comes to uniform. The logo is one of the striking features of Yankee's baseball jerseys. The logo is the reason that the NYY players look better than other teams having pin stripped jackets.
Los Angeles Dodgers
The performance of the Dodgers in the 2013 season has impressed baseball fans. The design of the uniform is flawless and the ball is the striking feature of the attire. Like me, I hope many other are also the fan of the ball on the jersey. The blue cap also gives a bold and distinct feature to the uniform.
Detroit Tigers
With an amazing on the breast the Detroit Tigers are also known for their baseball jacket. The logo reminds one of the past of the city. The orange trim goes well with the uniform, not many agree to this view though.
Chicago Cubs
This team is also known for its wonderful logo than the other features on their shirts. The cap is another highlight of the team's uniform. Who do you think looks most adoring in the uniform?
Philadelphia Phillies
The Philadelphia Phillies baseball jerseys are considered as one of the most overrated uniform among MLB teams, not to many. The stripes on the jersey in bright color increase the charm of the uniform. But very few people find the alternative color used by the team on their baseball uniforms attractive.
Other teams worth noteworthy for their baseball jerseys are Chicago White Sox, Baltimore Orioles, Pittsburgh Pirates, Toronto Blue Jays and many others.
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