In the west, churchgoing is an activity that can strengthen family values and create lasting memories, especially if a church has programs and principles that nourish family life. In some cases, people choose their church based on convenience. But the best way to choose a church is to consider its value to your family from a variety of vantages. Below, we list four tips for choosing a church that will benefit your personal walk with Christ, as well as your family.
1. Geographical Proximity
So, you've heard about a great church that's located an hour from your house. But let's be honest: what are the chances you'll be out the door at 8:45 on Sunday morning to attend the 10:00 a.m. service? Sure, you could make up for the tough scheduling by attending church half time instead of full time. But if the point of churchgoing is to support your Christian walk, and the less you go to church, the less support there is. Choosing a church based partly on geographical proximity may sound trite. But it could be the very thing that keeps you and your family in church.
2. Denominational Influence
Today, many denominations that were once theologically strict have softened their approach to accommodate churchgoers that prefer a Christian experience without the obstacle of scholarly theology. However, many churches are still theologically grounded in their theology's traditional doctrines, a fact that could cause a stumbling block in your family's worship experience if you haven't determined whether a church's theology acquaints with your family's values. Before you choose a church, do yourself the favor of investigating its basic theological principles.
3. Youth Programs
If you have children in the home, one of the biggest determinants of where you attend church should be the quality of a church's youth program. Unlike adults, children usually aren't experienced enough to understand the value of Christianity as presented in a mature, sermonized fashion. Therefore, a major key to keeping your children thinking about Christ in addition to what pop culture has to offer, is to involve them in quality youth programs, where trained Christian youth professionals guide them in their faith in a way that they can understand.
4. Congregational Attitude
Some congregations have an attitude of acceptance, whereas others are typified by moral censorship. If you start attending a church and you notice that most of the congregation seems to hold a certain attitude concerning Christian living, ask yourself whether you admire or disagree with that attitude, as it will probably only get stronger once the congregation becomes comfortable in your presence.
Although the focus of your churchgoing should be Christ, nothing can sabotage that focus like a congregation whose attitude keeps bringing your worship experience back down to earth.
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