just because you don't have money doesn't mean you can't start a home based business, literally with little to no money.
After such massive economic collapse, people are looking to rebuild their lives.
They are looking for new ways out.
In this new world economy, ideas are king.
Therefore, the most successful people will be the ones that share their life story, passion, knowledge and expertise to help others better their lives or turn their businesses around.
The new business revolution is all about content creation and training.
This puts people, who use "helping others", as a strategy for success, in a position to earn more income and have greater influence.
Agreed? These changes put you in the driver's seat.
You can now position yourself in this new economy as an expert in your field, and all from the comfort of your own home.
You can accomplish this by writing online courses, books, speeches, seminars and offer coaching.
So here is how you can start your own virtual business and join the ranks of the new rich:
- Go to Market Samurai (30 day free trial) and find a profitable niche that meets your passion, knowledge and expertise.
- If you do not have any products, then sell affiliate products first.
It is probably the best way to start a home based business while reducing risk and building business acumen.
- Go to Clickbank or Commission Junction and find a few affiliate products that match your profitable niche.
Split-test your findings using Google Website Optimizer. - Build a blog, a squeeze page with a free offer (webinar, report, etc) and start building your list.
Remember to use your niche keywords for everything you do. - Start on a shoe-string.
Use all the virtual business strategies first.
Forget about the fancy offices, or the latest phone system.
Watch you expenses like a hawk.
Costs have a funky way to get out of control when you are starting out. - Use all the available free tools.
Again, the virtual business strategy is the best when starting out.
There a numerous, powerful open source applications you can use to build and grow your business.
All you need is a computer and internet access. - Use free online marketing to drive traffic to your blog and/or squeeze page.
- Promote, campaign and sell to your list on the back-end.
- Start small, build up.
Once you start bringing money in, and as soon as you can afford it, hire help and start delegating.
- Bringing customers AND retaining them should be your number one priority at all times.
Actually, implementing a sophisticated virtual business strategy is pretty simple, once you get the hang of it.
First, start with your market research: Niche, split test, affiliate products.
Second implement your sales and marketing channels: blog, free offer, squeeze page, back-end sales.
Third build your communication channels: Virtual PBX, VoiP phones, and online fax.
Then implement your virtual customer service department: Chat, knowledge base, FAQs and support desk.
Your are on your way to success!