Multiple Sclerosis has an array of symptoms that play havoc on the sufferer's life.
The most common symptom is fatigue, but heat intolerance and balance problems are fairly common also.
As with most illnesses, MS affects everyone a little differently.
One sufferer may have severe heat intolerance and another may have more of a problem with his or her balance and walking ability.
One patient may suffer with vision and bladder problems and another may suffer more with pins and needles and numbness.
Whichever the combination of symptoms, each combination is debilitating.
My particular symptoms include: disabling fatigue, pins and needles from head to toes, extreme sensitivity to heat, and body aches, especially in my feet and toes.
Occasionally, there are other symptoms involved, but those are the more constant ones.
Unfortunately, I also have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).
This means I get severe reactions to chemicals such as medications, nickel, and tape.
I even get reactions to Prednisone which is an emergency drug used for flare ups of MS.
I also cannot tolerate chemical smells, including perfumes, shampoos, cleaners, ozone, film developer, and even gas ovens.
For a number of years my neurologist, Dr.
Brian Apatoff (New York City) recommended I go on Copaxone.
This is a daily injected medication used to slow the progression of MS.
Apatoff felt Copaxone would be the least likely to cause a reaction in my body.
I held off though.
Then in 2006, I decided, out of desperation, to search for an alternative option.
First, I found a naturopathic doctor and made an appointment.
The problem was her office had scented oils permeating throughout which caused my Asthma to act up, so I had to leave.
I then choose to look for an acupuncture/herbalist.
I found Dr.
Henry Zhen-Hong Lee in the Yellow Pages.
Lee is a NYS Licensed Acupuncturist and an NCCA DPL Herbalist.
He also has degrees in Eastern medicine from Traditional Chinese Medical College, and in Western medicine from the Beijing Medical College specializing in neurology and psychiatry.
I made an appointment the same day I found him in the book.
I explained I had MS, along with a number of other syndromes and illness, and I gave him my symptoms.
With complete confidence he told me he specialized in MS and could help me.
That was the beginning of my alternative journey.
I began my treatments twice a week for a couple of months, then I went to once a week, then every ten days, and then every other week.
Lee has a unique herb he designed specifically for MS, but because of the MCS I decided to go with the acupuncture only.
This decision made the road to improvement somewhat slower, but I improved none-the-less.
I am sure if I watched my diet I would be able to go down to a once a month treatment, but my will power seems to have gone on an extended vacation with no forwarding address.
The three most important foods I should avoid, as should any person with an autoimmune disease, are, in the order of importance: sugar, processed foods, and white bread.
I'm thinking of hiring a PI to help in the search for my will power.
This has been my alternative experience so far.
My symptoms have improved as has my quality of life.
But, it's important to remember that working along with any treatment creates more benefits and creates them faster.
Diet and exercise are a factor in creating a healthier you.
And, with any health decisions, always be sure to discuss your plans with your medical doctor.
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