- Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
Plant hardy vegetables such as radishes, turnips, spinach, peas, onions, collard greens and potatoes about 50 to 60 days before the last spring frost. If the ground is too hard to be worked yet, plant these vegetable seeds as soon as the ground is soft enough. - Wait until 30 to 40 days before the expected date for the last spring frost to plant lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cabbage and beets. These vegetables can survive some frost but should not be planted as early as the hardiest vegetables.
- Wait until after the last frost to plant tender vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, corn, summer squash and beans. Cover the plants with cloth or plastic to help protect them if there is an unexpected late frost. In areas with a short growing season, start seedlings for these plants indoors before the last frost so they will have time to mature before cold fall weather.
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