- Some positions in Maryland do not require overtime pay.VisionsofAmerica/Joe Sohm/Photodisc/Getty Images
Maryland's overtime compensation law parallels the federal standard. Your employer is required to pay you overtime for any hours you work in excess of 40 in a single seven-day workweek. The overtime rate of pay is 1.5 times your regular rate of pay. State regulations provide specific exemptions from the overtime law for certain jobs. In addition, you may be exempt from receiving overtime pay if your position meets requirements set by the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). - Certain types of employers receive exemption from paying you overtime. If you work for a trucking company that transports goods outside of the state, the company is not required to give you overtime pay. In addition, hotels and motels, restaurants, fuel service stations and private country clubs are not required to pay workers overtime compensation. Certain recreational and amusement companies are also exempt from the policy. Employers such as nonprofit temporary home care providers and not-for-profit concert promoters do not pay employees overtime. Furthermore, food processing businesses involved in packing, canning or freezing seasonal or perishable produce, poultry or seafood are deemed exempt from overtime regulations.
- You are exempt from receiving overtime pay if your job duties fall under certain conditions. Some mechanics and support personnel that service automobiles, trucks and trailers or farm equipment do not qualify for overtime. In addition, sales people in these establishments are exempt from overtime pay. The state's overtime law does not cover sales people who mainly work outside of an office and commissioned workers. If you are an immediate family member of your employer, such as a child, spouse or parent, you are ineligible to receive overtime compensation. Maryland's overtime statute does not include workers at movie theaters and taxicab drivers.
- Under the FLSA, if you work a salaried position qualified as executive, administrative or professional, you are exempt from receiving overtime pay. Your employer must pay you a salary of at least $455 per week in order to avoid paying overtime. Executive positions include job duties requiring managing the company and must involve directing the work of two or more employees. You also must have authority to promote, hire and fire employees or have direct influence in such decisions. Administrative duties are to include non-manual labor that directly affects the general operation of the business. The majority of these job duties must be done in an office setting and require you to use independent judgment and discretion. A professional position requires you to perform duties that require advanced knowledge. This knowledge must be from a prolonged course of study, such as through a college, university or trade school. Duties requiring imagination, originality or artistic talent qualify as professional.
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