Suffering from eczema can oftentimes be bad enough, but it can even be more bothersome when it is directly on your face.
People who have face eczema get easily embarrassed or feel depressed, since it dramatically affects their appearance (as the face is the most visible part of the human body).
And the dry, itchy red patches can make it painful.
No one out there should have to deal with something like this.
Face eczema symptoms are just as common and similar as eczema on any other part of the body.
Some people suffer from eczema on the face, while others have it all over their body (in addition to their face).
Symptoms can range anywhere from red, itchy and dry skin to more severe cases, where scabbing, cracking of the skin and oozing can occur.
The most common type of eczema is known as atopic eczema, and typically begins at a very young age (from infancy to toddler age).
In infancy, eczema usually develops between one and six months.
It commonly starts on the face and eventually works its way across the entire body, which can cause a considerable amount of pain for a child.
Some people can grow out of their eczema as they age, but only find out that in early adulthood it comes back to haunt them.
Face eczema is known as seborrhoeic eczema.
Some of the more common areas that it affects are the eyelids, between the creases of the nose, the inner part of the eyebrows and the scalp.
The face is already sensitive enough alone, but having your face covered in eczema (especially in these places) can be incredibly painful.
So, now that we know what facial eczema is like, what about treatments? There are a variety of treatments for eczema out there, but many of the traditional treatments don't actually cure eczema entirely - they treat the symptoms instead.
This goes for any creams or ointments that are prescribed by a doctor.
Not only do they not treat eczema effectively, they are filled with chemicals that can actually be harsh on the skin and make skin react badly, causing even more pain.
With nearly every option exhausted, this leaves only one more option - natural methods of treatment.
There are various natural eczema treatments out there that can do wonders for curing eczema.
One of those, for example, is chamomile oil, which helps to restore moisture in the skin.
Another excellent natural eczema treatment is an epsom salt bath, which works to take away the pain and wisk away the dry, dead skin.
When it comes to eczema, whether you suffer from face eczema or eczema all over your body, natural methods of treatment have been proven to help in the treatment and prevention of eczema.
If you've suffered from this condition most of your life, you owe it to yourself to give these treatments a shot!