Thinking about Squidoo and more precisely the potential of Internet Marketing on Squidoo gets me extremely excited.
Anytime a new marketing tool comes along I'm all over it.
If you thought Myspace was huge just wait, Squidoo will be even bigger.
In my opinion Squidoo is the grown up, more mature version of Myspace..
only better.
On the Squidoo platform internet marketing is not only allowed, but encouraged.
It will soon be every internet marketers favorite social playground.
Squidoo is the place where people go to get product reviews and recommendations as well as to share their own area of expertise.
Each webpage is called a 'lens'.
Your lens can direct traffic to pretty much anywhere you want.
And you can create as many lenses as you want for FREE.
Squidoo also places relevant Google AdSense ads on your lens and shares the revenue with you.
As quoted on the Squidoo website: "Squidoo's goal as a platform is to bring the power of recommendation to search.
Squidoo's goal as a co-op is to pay as much money as we can to our lensmasters and to charity.
And Squidoo's goal as a community is to have fun along the way, and meet new ideas and the people behind them.
" This new social playground is still in it's infancy so you better jump on board quick before all the good keyword titles are gone.
Some ebooks have already been written to help you get the most out of Squidoo in the shortest amount of time.
Eliminating much of the learning curve involved.
If you're an internet marketer you definitely don't want to be late to the game.
Find a good ebook about Internet Marketing on Squidoo and dive right in.
Highly recommended ebook called Social Networking On Squidoo [http://www.
info] (plus bonuses) A must read.
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