Have you ever noticed that Lawyers are not such nice people? It is because they do not live in the real world, but rather a world of trickery wrapped in a façade of meaningless words and dribble? Obviously they are not happy living in this world and scraping the cream of society for their own personal gain without providing any productivity to our noble civilization in anyway.
There is probably not a more dog eat dog world than the fake world that lawyer live in.
Some say they are the worst of the worst and worth less than a dog turd, while other say that they are merely a necessary evil and part of all that is bad with the sleaze of the world.
I have a solution to allow the lawyers to see the truth about who and what they are.
Never allow them to eat anything but dog food during their stay here on Earth.
This is fair as some say they are dogs anyway.
Of course all the lawyers think they are God? Perhaps they are both right and the lawyers are merely dyslexic and read "Dog" backwards? You know how they have such a way with words in their mixed up world.
So what blend of dog food should we feed them now that you agree? Well no sense in feeding them science diet or any of the expensive stuff and no need to worry if the meat comes from downer cows or those with Mad Cow disease, as we do not need them anyway and may as well give them the scraps of our society.
What do you think? Oh, by the way I am not joking, not one bit and if I were in charge I would make it law.
Trust me! Vote for Lance.
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