Before you rush in looking for some help in building your self-esteem make sure you understand the difference in what you think is low self-esteem and what you determine as normal.
Life is like a roller coaster.
Some days you will fill at the top, other times you will feel at the bottom.
This is just part of life so enjoy the ride instead of fighting the fear of a big drop.
This is where normal self-esteem comes into play.
If you have accepted who you are and know what direction you are heading on in life you can cope with these downs more effectively without your mood being taken over completely by negative thoughts.
If you have low self-esteem you are likely to not be feeling in control of your life.
Any incident can cause you to feel bad particular if you perceived others being against what you have done.
Low self esteem creates a cycle of needed external positive feedback to feel good as you do not feel confident in your own judgment.
This also means that the negative voices in your head gain more power as you let them chat away to you instead of telling them to shut the hell up.
So how can you improve your feeling of self-worth? As I mentioned above, challenge the voices in your head.
Don't take the harsh assessments you are giving yourself.
Don't accept any generalisations about your abilities.
Try and be logical when looking at your life instead of worrying about all the things that could happen, but realistically never will.
Just try and focus on a positive or exciting aspect in what you are looking to achieve.
Treat yourself how you expect others to treat you.
If you feel someone is treating you like garbage, make sure they know how they make you feel.
If you are treating yourself like garbage, stop it and start focusing on how valuable you are to yourself.
Take care of yourself physically.
Eat food that's make your body work properly.
Do daily exercise.
Groom yourself.
Be the image you want to be seen as.
Reward and recognises yourself for the things that you do well.
Give yourself a pat on the back.
Treat yourself to that massage or new pair of shoes.
Have the meal out.
Prove to yourself that you deserve to enjoy your success.
Finally, stop beating yourself up over any mistakes.
If you learn from whatever you do it can only been seen as a positive.
Do not let the fear take over.
Stay strong and keep pushing yourself forwards.
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