It seems that almost every place you look, whether it's online or in magazines, there will be plenty of articles about how to gain weight and muscle mass quickly.
The prospect of gaining weight and muscle mass can seem a bit of a task at first, and this is because you are going to have to change your eating habits as well as your exercise routine.
Changing Your Eating Habits To start with, you are going to have to change your eating habits, not only what kinds of foods you eat, but also when you eat as well.
If you do not get the balance between food intake and exercise then you are going to find that it takes a long time to achieve the weight and muscle gain that you are hoping for.
Start by switching to foods that have high protein content, such as eggs and red meat (make sure to trim any excess fat off).
A good fluid intake is essential and you should make sure that you take in as much water as you need, plus drinking milk is another good way to make sure that your body gets the nutrients it needs, such as calcium, oh and it should go without saying that you need to avoid alcohol.
Sleep Well And Exercise You are going to be doing more exercising and that means getting a better night's sleep, a good night's sleep will help your body to increase the mass of your muscles due to the increase in hormone production that comes when you are in deep REM sleep.
You will also need to change your exercise routine, and one of the best ways to do that, is to make sure that you do some light exercise before breakfast.
As well as doing cardio-vascular exercises do not forget to do those all important ab exercises too, but do not overdo your exercises, an hour per day is enough to start with.
Doing too much too soon will only leave you open to the risk of injury, which will do nothing but set you back days or even weeks in your exercise regime, so it is best to stay within your limits before increasing the amount of exercise over time.
Once you get into a routine you will soon start to notice the benefits and although weight and muscle gain will not happen overnight, you will soon start to notice the difference.
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