guys broke up and there you are with your heartache....still there is some hope in you that you will get your ex back. But how can you tell? Are there any signs that help you find the answer on your question "Does my ex want to get back to me?"
If your ex is showing some more interest to going out with you, wants to spend more time with you then before or even tries to flirt with you...then it's okay to have a little hope. But you realy need to avoid jumping the gun.
These signs are very common and are definitly signs that your ex is interested to getting you back. But how tempting it is for you to jump full force in again, you should play "hard to get' (in moderation).
Yes, I want to have your ex back now and not want to wait longer, but this is very important. Playing hard to get make your ex responses better anyway. If you jump in to hard your ex will probably push you away again. The signs of new interest your ex is giving now are probably created by the fact that you where away and "hard to get'.
It is very normal that after a break up with your ex, there is a natural level of missing each other, or longing to get back together. The next thing is especially true following a relationship of a year or longer. Your ex lover is going to miss you anyway, no matter what happens. You have these memories you have shared together during your relationship. But there are also other emotions that come into play, like past regrets.
Probably you are thinking now "does my ex want to get back with me" a big chance is that your ex will think the same thing and have the same reasons.
The thing is that sometimes an ex will show you interest again...but plays with you.
They want to see how you react and if you still love them or simply want to get some attention, without the intension to get you back. So be a bit careful and look if your ex is realy genuine interested in spending time with you again. They may be have no other prospects in their life right now and want to make their time pass by with you. In the worst case they see this as a way of revenge for something you did wrong in the past which led to the break up.
Now you understand why it is so important to not just jump in full force. Read the situation first before you act on it.
There are so many people wondering right now "does my ex want to get back with me?"
, they have to know the truth first, that it's better to get a good feel about the situation before acting to it. The reality is, if your ex realy want to get back with you, playing hard to get (in moderation) is the best scenario, because it will prevent you to getting hurt again if your ex is not realy serious to getting back together with you.
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