Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Pay Attention: The Unconscious Need to Self-Annihilate MODE of Cosmic Therapy Esoteric Psycholog

MODE of Cosmic Therapy: The Vile Imposition of Another's Opinion, Advice, Support and/or Praise

Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your complete attention please? I certainly hope not. No one should ever have your full attention. You 'pay attention' to yourself, alone.

Never, ever, ever in a million billion trillion years are you to give over to another human being your undivided attention. {Especially if their words are of flattery, praise or exaltation}

Exactly what would that entail? Allowing someone else to intrude, violate, impose, and infringe upon the precious sacred theme of your own inviolate mind would be nothing short of blasphemy.

The sanctified domain of your mind is hallowed! Exempt from another's influence, coercion and derelict impression; your sacred sphere of impenetrable authority is 'off limits' to the invasion of others, no matter his/her usurped weight and 'supposed' depth of knowledge.
"But, I KNOW what's good for you!" Chicken Squat!

No one ever possesses the gift of directed guidance for your particular life. Truth can only be hinted at and never fully expressed. No one is without a self-aggrandized intent of gallows' ploy.

IF you feel someone is using mental intimidation, emotional hyperbole, such as: love, hate, guilt, regret, responsibility, respect, adulation, etc, as ultimatums, rest assured these worn out blatant tactics are nothing but manipulative water poles to navigate themselves through a river way of shaky unsettled waters.

People, who are ill-equipped, unsure of their foundation, deceitfully restless and morbidly discontent (not to mention sexually frustrated and deprived) will approach the matter of relationship (un) communication with a roundabout way of 'jumping tracks', turning the affair into something you have messed up, didn't listen to the advice of, avoided or worse yet, "didn't care enough to be interested."

Coy inhibited mousy shy double-minded beguiling conversing sickens even the best of humans.
Say what you want to say without regard to how it sounds. It's honest. Well, at least, as honest as you are willing to be. When people ask for your undivided attention, they want something from you. And, when a person wants something from you, he/she is living vicariously through you.

Not enough gumption to pursue and fulfill desired dreams, he/she works the unchanneled repressed energy out through another avenue of deflected harbingering motion: trying to control you. The basic facts are: every human being is uncontrollable, undomesticated and unredeemable.

Maybe a more descriptive word for human beings would be unsalvageable.

"Ah!" I hear you gasp in defiant rebuttal. "No. That's impossible. Of course we can be salvaged. We are spiritual quested beings." Give that old mule a rest. You can't be salvaged because you don't need to be redeemed.

You are a perfectly infallibly arranged human specimen, exactly and precisely as you are. You are carrying the goods for your particular destiny. No one can add or take away from your unsinkable character. I certainly am in no position to do so nor is anyone else.

Most especially with those who profess to love you with all their hearts and minds; run like a maniac and never look back. No one can love you and be conscious of you.
That is not love but possession.

Every man or woman who is breathing upon this plane of existence has his/her own particular agenda going on. He/she also has a common unabated unstated desire to/for his/her own brand of specified happiness.

In securing for himself/herself this imagined and well-thought out plan of action to obtain these required desires, a certain range of demonstrated fondness, obsessions, infatuations, appetites, and partiality in self-motivated maneuvers will be displayed in obtaining external objects; including you.

Until at such time, the person realizes, quite abruptly in most cases, that calculating motivations do not bring about the desired objects of happiness but must proceed from within, and be generated without, he/she will continue to make grand staging gestures to procure supremacy.

They are not in possession of unadulterated actions without a preconditioned 'lust of result attached.' Barren desert to travel without a camel in sight!

People who have not gained this invaluable tidbit of esoteric information will continue to try to extract from another his/her complete and utmost attention. In that case, the unaware person remains nimbly dissatisfied.

While complaining of the mistreatment and neglect, he/she derides the 'victim' temperament as if it doesn't nor has it ever existed. Even IF we think we have no idea of what our deepest passions consist of, we inherently KNOW not to invest ourselves in the latent bottled up whims of others.

Self-love is self-generating and self-sustaining with no hint of degradation attached.
When a moment of disparaging emotion arises, it does not originate from the conversation taking place on the outside.
Genuine celebrated divine self-love never seeks anything or anyone for the sake of the person or thing but for the joy expressed in it. In other words, when authentic love is present the lover does not exist.

We have no claim to lay hold of another's mind, avenue of curtailed expression or elaborate dissertations. We are complete and fulfilled without the aid, support or validation of someone inviting us to pay homage to him/her.

We need be with another simply because we want to be and not for what it brings to us in any way, manner or justifiable reasonable course of exhibition. We are not to count our blessings from another in as much as we are not to be aware of their entrance into our lives.
We ought to live our lives in such infinite unity as not to recognize any event being outside the immaculate consecrated whole.

To feel indebted to another places undue strain on the relationship, as well as, an unnatural abeyance of disseminating mockery. It is written in the ancient scriptures"...Not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing..." (Paraphrased)

If you seek justification, validation, approval or acceptance from your mate or from someone else as a commentator on the relationship, you have grossly misappropriated your true devotion.

IF, on the other hand, you paid attention, to the 'still small voice' that resides within you without recourse or promise of favor; you will have served the highest good that exists.

Your eyes will continually betray, your ears will monitor and filter what you hear and your mouth will habitually replay the expectations of others, IF you 'pay attention' to their condescending or
flattering words of advice.

Do only that which you are led to do for no other reason other than you are open, receptive and expediently raptured to flow with the 'natural and convenient' response. (No matter how it appears, sounds or seems to upset)

Do nothing that appeases others for the sake of keeping peace; turn the table over if you must, but don't placate or sublimate your precious ruthless soul's desired raw unfabricated experience.
"Pay Attention" to nothing or no one, except that which is deliriously inexplicably unfathomably passionate for you.

Do these admonishing words fall under the treacherously dangerous category of self-absorbed, self-motivated, self-generated and self-sustained? SELFISH... "Yes," said unfettered David to colossal Goliath,
"You have no power to destroy or uplift me whether through love, fear, or hate. I will respond from the rock of my imperishable soul of divine intent." {MODE of Cosmic Therapy}

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