Would you be interested if I told you there was a way to get your partner back after a break up, even though it seemed like it was totally over and there was no hope???
Of course you want your relationship to be back to where it was. You feel you will do anything in your power to bring back the love and closeness that once was there.
The problem is, often when a break up occurs we don't know where to start, we are lost as to what to do. One of the biggest problems when people break up is that initially ineffective strategies to remedy things often do more damage…
Here are three strategies that
never work – yet people always try:
Which of these strategies are you trying right now?
1. The first is trying to get them to open up. More than likely right now they have clammed up and put a wall up around themselves. Trying to get them to talk will push them further away.
2. The second strategy is to tell them over and over again, "I love you." That never works as they will only see it as your being needy and clingy.
3. The third strategy is arguing, reasoning, trying to talk them into feeling differently. That never works.
You see we have the right intention but we just don't know how to turn this around. We often grapple in the dark unaware of what truly is going on, and what we can actually do to change things. We feel like victims unable to make any impact on their thoughts or feelings, but this is where we go wrong…
The truth is you can have a huge impact and influence of how the future unfolds.
The truth is you are not a victim, a passive observer just having to watch your relationship disintegrate.
Often the most powerful approach is the most simple...
Having given literally hundred of online psychic readings on break ups I have come to understand the way people respond to their partner moving away sets the pace for how the situation will unfold. We assume too much in our hurt ,rejection and betrayal, we often react not to what is going on but what we think is going on, what we feel is going on.
Knowledge is power….
The key thing in any break up is to really and truly know what is going on with the person
.Why have they done what they have done?
Is there another person?
Do they still really love me?
Do they just need a break or, are they planning for this to be permanent?
How a psychic medium readings can give you the insights you need to make it right…
Lets face it a psychic cannot get you back with the person. I don't care how many candles you burn or how many spells a psychic may make on your behalf, a psychic readings is no magic wand.
Yet what a reading with the right psychic medium can do is give you the inside story of what is going with that person. A genuine psychic reading will reveal the choices you will face, and what you can do to ensure that you can make the right decisions.
You can either do something to make it better or do something to make it worse…… which one do you want?
The most important thing right now,when you are faced with the ending of a relationship, is to make sure the action you take is relevant to your end goal, namely to get the relationship back to where you want it. This means you need to centre yourself and know clearly what you are dealing with and how to respond constructively, and not react to what's happening.
When you call and speak to any of my psychics or myself you are taking action to improve things and potentially turn things around.
I am the expert in this area of relationship break up. I have vast experience, skills and insights that can help you not tomorrow but today.
Book now and start healing you relationship!
To have a reading it is very simple just call the 0800 058 2295
Ewan Nicholson
Web site: www.psychic-medium-readings.co.uk
Blog : www.psychic-medium-readings.co.uk/blog
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