Summer is upon us and kids are home all day long. If you missed out on day camp this year or just thought having the children at home would be easier this year, then you could probably use a few quick activities for kids from time to time. Most work at home moms find that they need a little something once in a while to keep kids occupied, but which doesn't require extensive set up time. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
1. Create a craft box. Stock it with markers, crayons, glue, fabric remnants, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, pom poms, etc. You'll find plenty of fun craft stuff at your local Michaels. The idea is to get stuff that be turned into anything, so skip the kits. Make sure you add some scissors and colored paper, too. When the kids get bored and grumpy, haul out the box and tell them to make something.
2. Set up an obstacle course. Run a string around the house, under chairs, over the sofa, etc. Then tell the kids to follow it. Again. And again. If it's sunny outside, you can do this outdoors, as well.
3. Let them play with rice. Dump about five pounds of rice into a plastic bin, hand everyone measuring spoons and cups, plus a yogurt container or two and let them sift and play to their hearts' content. Rice is easily swept up and dumped back into the box for playing with later.
4. Turn them loose with a tape recorder. While these are actually digital today, recorders offer hours of fun with no setup on your part. Tell the kids to make a listening letter for their grandparents, to read a story on tape or to go outside and capture the sounds of nature.
5. Tub time. Water is a universal pleaser and you can usually work on your laptop while the kids splash in the tub. Make it all a lot more fun by adding some bubble bath (dish soap also makes great foam) and a few drops of food coloring. Let kids pour the water using ice cream and yogurt containers.
All of these quick activities will keep your children busy for quite some time while you are trying to work. Obviously, kids still need supervision, but this allows you to work still while they have a blast nearby.
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