Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

The Ideal Buttocks

Most women feel unhappy with the size of their buttocks. Some find their buttocks flat or lacking in shape, while others want to have more sensuous backside by making them rounder and larger. Some women even wanted to have that Jennifer Lopez butt and she must also be one of those reasons why women have been seeking cosmetic surgeon to enhance their buttocks that drastically increases the number of butt implants procedures performed in many parts of the world.

But what really are the ideal buttocks?

For a surgeon to create attractive and youthful buttocks, he must be aware of the certain characteristics that are common to attractive and youthful buttocks in all ethnic groups. These include a smooth inward sweep of the low back area and waist and a very feminine cleavage as the buttocks separate superiorly and inferiorly. Attractive buttocks also show maximum prominence in the mid to upper buttocks and there should also be minimal crease below the buttock, without any drooping.

However, for surgeons with variety of clients in terms of race, he must also understand that different races have different reference of ideal buttocks. The American population for example is ethnically more diverse than most other buttocks augmentation patients. On the other hand, patients that are Hispanic choose buttocks that are very full, lateral buttocks that are also full, and prefer a slight fullness in the lateral thigh.

Asian patients prefer buttocks that are small to moderate in size, but shapely; they do not like or request fullness in the lateral buttocks or lateral thigh. However, Caucasian patients generally want buttocks that are full but not extremely large. Any fullness of the lateral thigh is considered objectionable. Lastly, African-Americans and Caribbean of African descent have a strong and consistent cultural ideal of very large buttocks, and several request a "shelf" or extreme prominence of the upper buttocks. The lateral buttocks must be very full. A woman with a very full, prominent trochanteric area of the lateral thighs is considered attractive by both men and women in this culture.

The subject of ideal buttocks is indeed subjective to the perspective of different cultures. But the bottom line in choosing to have butt implants should focus on its positive effects on the patients. These buttocks augmentation procedures are usually quite successful especially if you found the best plastic surgeon to make your butt larger and shapelier. This has helped many women gain a more sensuous appearance. For those who have underdeveloped buttocks, buttock implants can now provide them with a more proportionate figure. Not only has this helped enhance their appearance, but for many they have also gained a boost in their self-esteem and self-confidence.

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