Learning is a must in today's world if you want to just get by; if you want to do anything extra you're learning has to be very focused and concentrated.
With technology progressing at an alarming rate, in particular the Internet seems to be presenting us with new things each day.
How on earth can you keep up wit it; our children take it all in their stride, as if they'd been doing all their lives.
Well they don't know any better or different; those negative attitudes to learning and bad learning habits you've acquired are returning to haunt you.
There is so much talk about children being like sponges when it comes to learning; well, yes they are but so are you if you want to be.
There are people who say they're not very clever, never have been, don't like learning, school was boring, I'm a lost cause etc.
the list goes on and on.
If you are prepared to apply yourself to your learning you will benefit from the experience and learning will take place, regardless of how poor a learner you think you are.
I agree, there are people who suffer from certain conditions that hinder their learning, however these are in the minority.
I am referring to the majority group.
Your ability to learn must be nurtured and looked after, in a similar way you would care for you most treasured possessions.
All too often people can be seen and heard being disrespectful to their learning and their ability to learn.
We all have the ability to learn just as much as the next man; we all have the same ability to learn.
As a race we there is a need to escape from the vicious circle of devaluing your learning and ability to learn.
Nobody is more superior than anybody else; it is a case of make the best out of each of the learning experiences you encounter.
If you spend your time complaining about what is happening, how your teacher is performing, the learning is boring, when can I use this etc.
These are all typical comments I heard from students; they are unhelpful for both the tutor and learner.
Begin to appreciate your learning and the opportunities available to you.
Share your learning and learning opportunities with others; help them to learn too in the way you learn.
You have an amazing ability use it wisely! Keep your positive talk in favour of your learning it will enhance your personal development training.