You know what Jesus did when he died on the cross for our sins? There He was, hanging there, bleeding to death, suffocating for you and for me. God the Father did this: He took all of our certificates of sin, all the things that we've done wrong, He took the billions and billions of papers and put them above Jesus and our sins became Christ's sins and he died on the cross for our sins once and for all. Jesus did that.
So, see, when I received Christ, Jesus and I, we stand strong. I changed a sinful flesh and I put on the new coat of righteousness when Christ comes into my life. That is judicial forgiveness.
Now, if you would, turn to Hebrews, chapter 10. Hebrews, chapter 10. Let's look at verse 10. It says this. Hebrews, chapter 10, a right turn. Verse 10, it says this. "By this will we have been sanctified"~the word "sanctified" means to make holy, to make new€""By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ-there's that term again-"once and for all." Now, the Apostle Paul, here, is comparing the old sacrificial system€"follow me, now-with the new system.
Verse 11. "And every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which can never take away sin." So he's not free from running around making sacrifices, "Uh-oh," go over here and sacrifice that. They were always standing up. But listen to what Christ did. The next verse says this. Verse 12. "But He"~that's Christ-"having offered one sacrifice for sin for all time"~he sat down. Jesus sat down. Jesus did what? He died on the cross; He was buried for three days; rose again; He ascended into heaven; He did this. Jesus sat down. Why? Because, Jesus said, "The payment is in full." The plan of salvation is complete.
Fellowship Church Ed Young. That's it. So, 2000 years ago, get this, Christ died on the cross for all of our sins. It is an offering just given to us. That's all. He offered it to us. "You're forgiven. You're forgiven." And see, God the Father wants to rash and forgive us. He's not going to take His time and say, "Well, I wonder if I'll forgive you?" What is it like for Jesus Christ? When Christ met a sinner, what did He do? "Oh, you sorry sinner. You're going to hell--" He wouldn't whack them on the side of the head.
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