We all have a thought life. How's yours?
When you are by yourself are you happy? Or are you mad, sad, bereaved?
How you are by yourself is how you really are in your heart.
A thorough investigation of your heart will reveal what's there.
Just like they say that character is defined by what a person does when they think no one is looking.
What kind of character do you have?
I think it's special to be able to sit there in a nice comfortable room or even on the bus and close your eyes and go back through memories of times that made your laugh and smile or just made you feel good.
Sometimes we just need to ignore the negative thoughts realizing that past is past and we can choose what we think about.
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. It's so true. realizing this, what are you going to do?
So what we do to purge the negative thoughts is to not keep reliving them, it's to think mostly on the things that make you feel good, then when you think you're ready remember some of the bad times and try to find the parts that made you grow, the parts that made you a better person.
These negative thoughts are there to serve us as teachers, no matter how small the lesson, there's a lesson and if we will honestly look we'll see it, you'll see.
Our positive thoughts should take up most of our thought life, after all it's your thought life, and it controls how happy you are on a daily basis, if you want to be a happy person, you're going to have to choose to think on good things. Makes sense, don't it?
Take action: Think on good things, think about things in a positive light as they happen, if something bad happens, think about the lesson in the situation. Think about the solutions, not the problems. Get excited about turning something perceived as negative into a positive thing.
Make the most out of what you have and you'll find that what you have is the most you can.
Go out in the world today and have fun, look at life like through the eyes of a little school girl/boy. Or through the eyes of a cheery grandparent. Notice those people that are always so happy inside, not just a show, the ones that you can tell my seeing the light within them shine.
Let your light shine!
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