We live in the 21st century where we do not have access to pure diets.
Our whole diet is genetically manufactured.
With this increased growth in technology some after effects also come into play.
In our diet most items have a high percentage of sugar in them, due to which people are having a very common disease which is diabetes.
Diabetes is a disease in which insulin, a hormone in our body, is not produced by our pancreas.
Insulin controls the amount of our blood sugar and in its shortage our blood sugar level increases.
This state is called diabetes.
Diabetes has some very dangerous side effects like rapid weight loss, constant hunger, increased urination and fatigue.
Some time people also get kidney disorder due to diabetes.
Diabetes can also damage hand and foot vessels.
There are basically two types of diabetes these days.
In fact you can call them 2 stages.
At first people are diagnosed with diabetes at early age, at this stage because young people have got more immunity to fight against the disease so they can control the disease by some precautions.
Like by controlling their diet and having a balanced and low-sugar diet.
But at 2nd stage when people of 30 plus are diagnosed with diabetes, they get into some serious trouble.
And often at this stage the pancreas almost stops to produce insulin.
At this stage people also have same side effects but in a more acute manner.
2nd level diabetes can only be controlled by using inject able insulin.
They need to take injections of insulin in order to maintain their blood sugar level.
People who suffer from diabetes almost think that this disease is not curable.
But you just need to think positive.
Everything is possible.
I have seen people who have got 2nd level diabetes but still they are living a perfectly normal life.
You just need to follow some very basic things.
First you need to have a very balanced diet.
You need to cut down the usage of fat and sugar from your diet.
Then you need to include more and more vegetables in your diet.
Always take plane low-fat yogurt.
Sweet and flavored milk and yogurt which are very popular these days can lead you to trouble.
Then you need to see your doctor at regular basis.
And make your diet plan according to its suggestion.
By following these simple things you can control your diabetes and have a very healthy and normal life.
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