While we all like to think that our memoirs are faithful, the fact is that they are not.
Interviewing people who were witnesses to our lives or to the lives of people we are writing about is an important step in ascertaining the veracity of our recall.
Make clear preliminary arrangements with the people you will interview.
Be specific about the meeting time, the length of the interview, the place where it will occur, and the conditions necessary for its success.
It is often effective and efficient to have the interviewee gather memory jogs (photos, clippings, mementos) that can be used as warm-ups.
Be very specific in your requests.
Vague requests like "We'll need a good amount of time" can be interpreted so differently that they are useless in making arrangements.
Instead say, "We'll need a two-hour block on Tuesday the fifth.
Does 2 PM to 4 PM work for you?" If you say, "Is there a room in your house where we can talk quietly?" it is possible that your interviewee will say yes in spite of the fact that she knows someone will be watching television or working in that room.
("They'll just be watching their program!") You would do better to say, "We have to have a space where no other activity will be going on-no TV, no radio, no telephone conversations, no work.
" If your interviewee says there are no such rooms in house, perhaps you can suggest meeting at your place--if necessary, you can add, "I'll pick you up and bring you back.
" You cannot be too specific about the logistics.
A detail left out of planning, or ineffectively decided upon, can sabotage your interview.
Good luck writing your memoir!
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