Since I often write about saving your marriage by putting the spark back in it, I'm often approached by women who tell me that their husband no longer loves them. Sometimes, the husband has flat out said "I don't love you anymore" quite directly – seemingly leaving no room for doubt (although they are sometimes wrong, which I will discuss later.) Sometimes, the wife assumes that she's no longer loved by her husband because of his indifference, his inability to show affection, of by an increasing lack of intimacy. This article will provide you with tips and tools you can use to determine your husbands true feelings and to put the spark back in your marriage so that you'll no longer wonder or have any doubt that your husband still loves you.
Why Husbands Sometimes Don't Really Mean It When They Act Like (Or Say) They Don't Love You Anymore: Many times a husband will send mixed signals about how he really feels. He'll give you vague answers or statements like "I'm just not happy," or "I just don't feel it," or "it's not as good between us it used to be."
Worse, they will sometimes say this in a delivery or with actions that sharply contrast what they are saying. They may hold and reassure you, tell you things like "it's me and not you," tell you everything is going to be OK, hold you and / or want to be intimate, or have conflicting body language (like clinched lips, tight fists, or a pained look on their face.)
These things don't mean that your husband is lying to you. It often means that he's having conflicting feelings that he doesn't know how to solve. It may also mean that he has doubt about the words or actions he's speaking and wishes very much that things could be different but he doesn't know how to change things or communicate this to you.
Ultimately, when many wives think their husbands don't love them anymore, they are only partly right. The truth is usually that the husband has fallen "out of love" with the relationship and what it is no longer providing him (at least right now.) So, the feelings he has (or lacks) is more about the relationship than about you personally.
Often, when we are married for a decent length of time, the dynamics of the relationship change. When you were first dating, you both probably put vast amounts of time and effort into the relationship. This very likely produced intense, passionate feelings of closeness and intimacy. These are the things that produce the feelings of "being in love."
But, life gets in the way big time. As time goes on, we have commitments and responsibilities to which we must turn our attention. Our children often receive our most attention. Our aging parents may need us and our jobs often require more emotional and physical energy, leaving less for our spouse. This doesn't make us neglectful or a bad spouse, it just makes us human.
Getting Your Husband To "Fall Back In Love" With You Again: Hopefully I've been able to establish that it's quite possible that your husband still very much loves the woman (you) that he first fell in love with. Unfortunately, he doesn't see enough of her. This lack of time and intimacy has likely resulted in your BOTH feeling like your aren't loved as much as you once were. However, it's the relationship that you are no longer in love with – not your spouse.
Hopefully, this article has encouraged you to remember your relationship when you were first dating and before you were married. I want you to consider the qualities that contributed to your husband falling in love with you.
I know it may your inclination to say your looks, your sexual chemistry, or the passion, etc. But, this isn't really what I mean, because believe it or not, these aren't the things that make love last. What I'm really talking about is your being kind and open hearted, your having a sense of humor, and your being a good listener. (You would know better than I what these things were for your husband.)
When you have this list, I want you to evaluate how often your husband sees these qualities and this person. And, also how often he sees them in the scenarios and situations where and when you first fell in love.
I realize that I don't know you, your husband, or the unique situation of your marriage. However, I do know without a doubt that most women who do this exercise honestly will have to admit that their husband's do not see the qualities you've just listed nearly enough. From my own personal experience when I did this exercise, my own answer was almost never. We all do this, but to fix it we have to be very conscious of this mistake. It can rob our marriages of feelings of love, affection, empathy, and intimacy.
So, now that you've identified the real issues, how can you change things to encourage your husband to fall back in love with you? You show him (through your actions – not by telling him what you are doing) the woman he first fell in love with. Now, women often tell me things like "I agree these tactics make sense, but I'm no longer young, beautiful, etc." or "my husband is no longer attracted to or receptive to me." I'm going to tell you a secret. A man is often much more attracted to how a woman makes him feel ABOUT HIMSELF than about how she looks.
A woman who can make a man feel understood, appreciated, attractive, alive, intelligent, and capable will often get back a reaction that leaves little doubt that her husband truly loves her and finds her attractive. In short, marriage is very often reciprocal. If you can make your husband feel good about himself, he will very likely return the favor.
I understand how you feel, because a very short time ago, I was exactly where you are. However, I eventually learned that my husband had fallen out of love with the relationship instead of falling out of love with me. I was able to use this knowledge to change course, return my husband's love and save the marriage (when I was the only one interested in doing so at the time.) You can read my very personal story on my blog at
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