1Employ the same decorating tricks that you would use in your home. You can hollow out a tree stump as a planter, lift the eye upward (away from the ugly well) with lovely hanging plants, or use a fountain to create a diversion in your landscape.
Plant a mound septic system with ornamental grass, fescue, ground ivy, ferns or mosses, depending on the shading of the area. For more planting ideas for septic areas, check out the NFSC website.
Cover up eyesores with a clever disguise. Try a faux rock, a Roman column or birdbath specially designed to hide a well, a pipe or above-ground septic vents.
Paint a meter or other outdoor device to match your exterior paint. It's not exactly hidden, but at least it won't jump out at you when you're admiring your rose bushes.
Mount a trellis to a blank wall and coax a climbing vine like clematis to add some beauty and color to your yard. This quick-grower will be a focal point in your landscape and performs for most of the summer.
Erect a small fence or lattice to shield an unattractive part of your yard. A fence can be a great backdrop for a small perennial planting. No one will notice your air conditioner when they're raving about your black-eyed Susans.