Let's face it, not everyone is genetically perfect, allowing them to look like a lean mean machine from birth.
Most are overly skinny and many of them are looking for a particular skinny guy's workout that will allow them to bulk up quickly.
If you are too skinny and want to bulk up, then remember that you do not need to spend hours at the gym every single day.
In most cases, you will never gain muscle mass this way.
The following principals are especially for the skinny guys and will help you to achieve that bulk you are looking for.
You need to start off by lowering the workout volume.
There is no need to do 10 to 15 sets.
This will not help you bulk up.
Instead you need to focus on getting the most out of a workout and attempt to overload the muscles in as little as 5 sets per workout.
Stop hammering out the weights at the gym everyday too.
If you are skinny and hitting the gym every single day, all that you re really doing is tearing down your muscle mass.
You have to rest which is why most people need to workout on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and take the remaining days of the week for rest so the muscles can rebuild themselves.
Isolated workouts will do absolutely nothing for you.
Stop focusing on one particular muscle group and start looking at full-body workouts instead.
Do routines that include squats, chest presses, dead, rows and shoulder presses.
Most of all, each and every single workout needs to be as intense as possible.
You want intense workouts that last no more then maybe 30 minutes and after which your are feeling so tired that you just want to go home and sleep.
Do not forget to feed your body well as it is going to need an increased amount of energy to last through those intense workouts as well as rebuild the muscles on the days of rest.
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