Your diet has a major impact on your ability to gain weight and build muscle.
Simply concentrating all of your efforts on the weight lifting element is not going to give you the best opportunity to gain weight and build muscle.
Combining a great diet plan with a brilliant workout program is going to help you bulk up quickly and without as much effort as you were using previously.
A great diet consists of all the food that makes up a well-balanced diet.
At a minimum need proteins, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.
The best protein packed foods are fish, poultry and lean meats.
They offer high levels of protein but also low levels of fat.
As for beverages, the best tip I can offer is to stay away from soda.
Soda has a high amount of sugar and does not offer any valuable vitamins or nutrients.
Water, milk and fruit juice are much better for you.
A great diet plan should have the food listed above.
Eating well-balanced meals that consist of foods from different food groups is going to help you bulk up fast.
A great training routine is going to be much more effective once you are practicing good eating habits.
When selecting a training program, make sure it is designed for someone with your body type.
There is no sense in utilizing a routine that is catered to someone else's strengths and weaknesses.
This is not going to help you build muscle.
Hardgainers need to be extra cautious when selecting a workout program.
Their muscles take along time to recover and heal after a workout and they need a routine that takes this into account.
An ideal workout for a hardgainer consists of 3 to 4 hour-long training sessions a week.
This will trigger significant muscle growth while letting the muscles heal in between workouts.
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