Technology Networking & Internet

Upload Photos To Your Photo Hosting Service

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Uploading Photos, 6 At a Time

  1. Their basic photo upload tool allows you to choose one photo at a time in groups of 6 photos. Click on "Upload Photos" to get started.
  2. Click on the "Browse" button to choose the first photo and find the photo you want to upload on your computer.
  3. Repeat this with the other 5 photos. Then add tags for them. Tags can be one word or short phrases. I recommend you leave this blank for not until you get to the next page. Then you can add tags to them each individually.

  1. Choose whether you want your photos to be public or private. You can also choose whether you want them to be visible to friends and family.
  2. Click "Upload". Wait for the photos to upload.
  3. Add titles, tags and descriptions to each of your photos. Tell about your photos and then click the "Save" button.

Upload By Email

  1. Instead of clicking on "Upload Photos" click on the little link next to it that says "tools". On the next page click on "upload by email".
  2. Click on the email address given to you to upload photos. Type the title of your photo into the subject line and the description of your photo into the body of the email. Add the photo as an attachment to your email.
  3. Send the email and the photo will be added to your photo album.

Upload Using the Flickr Uploadr

  1. From the "Home" page click on the "tools" link again. Then find your operating system from the list and click on the download link for your operating system. For example, my computer uses Windows XP so I'm going to use the very first link labled " Windows XP: Download the Flickr Uploadr (648K) ".

  1. Click on the right link for your operating system and a download box will open. Click the "Save to disk" option and then choose where to save your file. I recommend saving it to "desktop" so it's easy to find later.
  2. After you save the file you will need to install it to your computer. Double click on it to open the file and start the download.
  3. Follow the directions to install the program. You can then delete the upload file, "uploadr v2.3", from your desktop. You don't need the extra clutter.

Using the Uploadr

  1. Double click on the "Flickr Uploadr" icon on your desktop to start the program. Then follow the authorization process to allow Flickr to show your photos in the tool.
  2. After you have finished the authorization process go back to the Flickr Uploadr tool.
  3. Open the file, on your computer, where your photos are stored. If you have a folder on your desktop called photos and all your photos are in there then this process will be easy. If you don't then open "My Computer" from your desktop, click on the "C" drive and find the folder where your photos are stored.
  4. Once you have your photo file opened all you have to do is drag the photos to the Flickr Uploadr. Here are some tips on dragging files:
    • Click on the file you want to drag and hold the mouse button down. Then slide your mouse cursor over until it is over the Flickr Uploadr, then let go. The photo should now be in the Flickr Uploadr.
    • If you want to drag more than one photo at a time, click on the first photo to highlight it, then hold down the "Shift" button on your keyboard and click on the last photo you want to drag. All the photos should be highlighted now. Now drag the photos to the Flickr Uploadr the same way you dragged the other photo before.
    • If you only want to drag select photos to the Flickr Uploadr try this. Click on one of the photos you want to drag, then hold the "Ctrl" button on your keyboard and click on the other photos you want to upload. Then drag the photos to the Flickr Uploadr.
  5. When you are finished dragging all your photos to the Flickr Uploadr click on the "Upload" button to upload your photos to your Flickr account.
  6. Set the security settings for your photos and add your photos to a set if you wish. Then click "Finish". Your photos are now on your Flickr account.

First Page -> Signing Up For Your Own Photo Album

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