- 1). Wash and dry your dinnerware. Working a clean surface will allow you to see the damage more clearly and will give the cleaning solutions a better chance to work.
- 2). Make a paste of water and baking soda. Add just enough water to the baking soda to form a thick paste, and apply it to a moist washcloth. Rub this paste over the marked surface of the dishes, rubbing gently until you see the marks fade away.
- 3). Rinse the dinnerware thoroughly and reassess the marks. If the plates are now free of markings, wash them and return them to your cabinet. If they still have marks, simply rinse the paste away, and set them aside for additional treatments.
- 4). Using an extra fine steel wool pad, remove darker marks. Apply the steel wool pad gently to your dishes, rubbing in a back and forth motion until the marks fade away. Do not press the steel wool into the dishes as you could damage the finish.
- 5). Wash and dry your dinnerware. Wash the dishes thoroughly, removing any bits of paste or steel wool, and allow them to dry before returning them to your cabinets.
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