Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

What Will I See at Six Week Pregnancy Ultrasound?


    • An ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves that bounce off objects to create a picture, or sonogram. During a six-week pregnancy ultrasound, the sonogram should show images of the baby and placenta. There is a chance a transvaginal scan will be done, which involves using a probe inside the vagina to obtain images. A standard ultrasound is done outside the body on the abdomen. A gel is placed on the stomach area, which is a conductor for the sound waves, and a special tool called a transducer is used to produce sound waves that will bounce off the fetus and create a sonogram.


    • The sonogram will produce images that may not fully resemble an adorable baby at six weeks, but there will be dark areas denoting where the baby's eyes and nostrils are forming. Arms and legs are just starting to form at this point, and they are visible as little stumps. On either side of the head, small openings can be seen where the ears are starting to develop. Fingers and toes are webbed and just beginning to form. The baby is roughly the size of a small pea, approximately 2 to 5 millimeters. The baby may appear to be floating in space and may move slightly. Reflexes are starting to develop by Week 6 along with the central nervous system.


    • Your six-week ultrasound isn't just for getting a sneak peak at the baby; the technician is checking how your baby is developing. They are looking to make sure there is a viable, healthy pregnancy. The baby's heartbeat is also confirmed at this point; you will be able to hear it during the procedure. The crown-rump length is also determined, which tells the baby's gestational age. This helps determine the due date and detect any growth problems. A transvaginal scan may determine if there is an ectopic pregnancy, which is when the egg has implanted outside the uterus, and early signs of fetal abnormalities. While the technician is doing the measurements, you will be able to see everything easily on the screen of the ultrasound machine.


    • Ask your OBGYN prior to your appointment what type of ultrasound you will be having, either a transvaginal or standard. If you are having a standard ultrasound, you will likely be asked to arrive with a full bladder. If you are having a transvaginal ultrasound, a full bladder isn't necessary. Make sure to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes and bring your partner to share this exciting experience.


    • The ultrasound can last around 30 minutes and there are no aftereffects. The technician will provide you with printed sonograms from your ultrasound to share with family and friends.

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