Some of you may have heard that Dane County is attempting to extend its reach with regards to shoreland zoning.
This will increase the number of households in this 'zone' and will ultimately allow them to 'regulate' those home owners improvements and landscaping.
Here are some more details: According to the county, not every property would be treated in the same manner.
A few things may be noted: * The County already has the ability to impose regulations on a shoreland zone 1000' from a lake or 300' from a river or stream.
However, they are not currently subject to the regulations proposed in the new plan.
* The County proposes to extend that same 300'/1000' zones into the incorporated villages and cities.
Most villages and cities only regulate a 75' wide zone.
This way 57,000 properties would (according to the County) now be in the shoreland zone.
* While some properties would be regulated more harshly than others, all those selling properties in the new shoreland zone would have to disclose that they are now in a special regulatory zone.
* The plan proposes: 1) regulation, or potential regulation of all properties within the 300'/1000' zone 2) regulation of all types of properties - commercial and residential 3) no grandfathering of properties with existing structures.
Due to the way a piece of state legislation was written, the Lakes and Watershed Commission and the County Board can extend its authority into the villages and cities in only one county - Dane.
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