Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Best Methods To Stay Sober

Admitting you have an alcohol problem is the first step to recovery.
Deciding to quit and asking for support are the following steps to be undertaken for a better quality of life.
There are various ways that can ease the quitting process.
Without doubt receiving professional help in specialized alcohol rehabs can set the difference on your path to a healthier and safer help.
On one hand, the doctors and nurses in such clinics can provide the necessary medication for diminishing the physical effects of the heavy withdrawal symptoms (like trembling, sweating, feeling sick or the more severe reaction of delirium).
On the other hand, qualified counselors can guide and motivate you through therapy and advice on the "whys" and "hows" of giving up alcohol.
Noteworthy, is also the rehab environment and, particularly the fact that seeing and meeting other recovering dependents can trigger off and enforce the determination for quitting which you need so much.
Nevertheless, after getting out of alcohol rehab the real challenge begins! Although, physically and consciously you do not need alcohol any longer, you will still be craving to consume and find it almost impossible to refrain from all those temptations available.
So, what can one do to conquer this battle and avoid relapse?! First of all, a former addict should always be aware and keep alert to remain an "ex-dependent".
Do not underestimate the dependence syndrome and don't think that just having a beer won't do you any harm.
Cutting out alcohol completely is the best way to stay sober, at least for a couple of years after rehab.
Avoid pessimism and inactivity.
Try to find new habits and get involved and committed in various projects.
Rely on your family and friends who support your efforts and stay away from people and places that may increase your temptation to consume.
Keeping in touch with your alcohol rehab therapist, attending AA meetings, reading recovering literature, leaflets or websites can reinforce your willpower and keep you motivated.
You can even set up your own site for supporting other addicts break free.
Often times, assume new goals and responsibilities helps one stay straight.
Expanding your job duties or undertaking creative activities can open up new perspectives on life and the way you perceive yourself.
Adopting a pet can also make you feel more accountable and useful.
Altogether, the best method to stay sober is within you! Find your purpose in life and passions and stick to them.
You are the master of your fate, so don't let alcohol rule!

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