It does not have to be complex or extraordinary.
You do not need some hidden secret or some super supplement or god knows what else you might think you need.
There is no singular way to gain muscle that outweighs all others.
But there are correct ways to go about it and incorrect ways.
Thinking a magic pill will make you gain muscle is not a correct way.
Program hoping is not correct either.
Not being consistent or honest with yourself is probably the biggest way to make sure you never gain muscle.
You need to stop making excuses and start going to the gym 3-4 times a week.
Do not worry, it should not take you 2-3 hours it should barely take 1 hour.
If you are doing things right.
First off cut out the chatter, if you are going to gain muscle then you need to concentrate on that and not socializing.
Secondly you need to make sure you are eating 5-7 small meals a day so that your body can stay out of starvation mode and stay in churn and burn mode, If you are not eating right then you definitely will not gain any muscle mass at all.
Lastly you need to keep a record of what you are doing every week.
This is extremely important because it will help you identify where you have not improved and help you by reminding you of how much you have lifted and how much you should be lifting.
Do not be cheap here, make sure you right everything down.
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