Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Increase Your Self Esteem - 6 Ways to Be Your Own Best Friend

Wherever you go, there you are.
See you can't out escape yourself.
Yet chances are there are times when you're harder on yourself than you would be on anyone else.
These moments of critique can end up undermining your self confidence and self esteem.
Practiced long term it also becomes a bad habit.
Here are 6 things you can do to increase your self esteem: 1) Forgive Yourself - Part of being human is making mistakes.
The key is to learn from them and then let go, forgive yourself.
Continuing to punish yourself or beat yourself up serves no useful purpose.
It also saps your energy.
Think of it this way, you've just bought yourself a lesson.
Take the learning and forget the rest.
2) Respect Yourself - You can't give respect if you don't respect yourself first.
So what do you respect yourself for? What are some of your most recent achievements and successes?  What do you feel proud of?  Where have you honored yourself?  Take time regularly to take note of the above.
You'll be doing more of this than you give yourself credit for.
3) Trust Yourself - Very often we can develop a habit of trusting others more than we trust our self.
  We stop trusting our intuition or gut feel or our sixth sense.
  It's good to question yourself but see this as a checking mechanism not a stopping mechanism.
  If you don't question what others you trust say then don't do it to yourself.
Treat your self as you treat others.
4) Be Your Own Best Friend - If your best friend was going through what you're going through what would you say to them?  What would you do for them?  How best could you support them?  And then do that for yourself.
5) Enjoy Your Own Space - We get used to having people around us all the time and if they're not physically there, they'll be on TV or we'll have the radio on.
  Plan every week to spend quality time with yourself, enjoy your own company.
  No noise, no distractions.
  Just you and your thoughts.
  You might initially want to pay attention to your thoughts.
What's the inner conversation you have with yourself when you're alone.
  Is it supportive or are you critiquing yourself, disrespecting yourself and putting yourself down? 6) Have a Play Fund - Every day take the loose change from your pocket and put it in a jar.
  Or put the price of a cup of coffee in the jar.
  Then every month count up what you've got and go and out and use it to have as much fun as you can.
  This is your time to spoil and treat yourself.
If the fund doesn't add up to much you get to be inventive, get creative; let your inner child out.
  You'll be amazed at the number of ways you can spoil yourself and feel good.
Whether you do one of these or all six you'll begin to notice your self confidence and self esteem increasing.
You'll also notice a knock on effect in your career, relationships, health and wealth.
  All from being the best friend you could ever hope for.

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