Wondering is there fluoride in water? Whether you've known it or not, this toxic chemical has been added to our water systems for the past 100 years now.
But does it pose any threat to our health? The whole argument that there is for using fluoride in water is that it's used in a small enough dosage that's both safe and even good for us.
Although this may be true, they fail to take into account all the other ways that we consume this chemical.
Besides in the toothpaste we use multiple times a day, fluoride is also found in many of the foods we eat, including various fruits, and even in some of the beverages we drink.
When you look at the average amount of this toxic substance that people consume on a daily basis, it's been shown that people can ingest as much as 4 times the amount than before it was standard to use fluoride in water.
But what's even more startling is the types of this substance that's added to our drinking water supplies.
Instead of adding calcium fluoride, which is what's naturally found in sources of fresh water, they add other synthetic kinds.
The popular ones are silcofluorides (a byproduct from the phosphate fertilizer industry) and sodium fluoride (a byproduct from the aluminum industry that's also used in rat poison and insecticide).
The reason why the use of fluoride in water is getting so much attention not a days is because of the increasing amount of people that are having dental fluorosis.
This is when white and brown spots form on the teeth because of too much consumption of this chemical.
And now, it's even being shown that dental fluorosis can even effect your bones, brain, and thyroid glands.
Here's my outlook on the whole situation: The government didn't ask my permission to add fluoride in water, which is a medicine and a known toxic chemical.
I surely don't want to be drinking a known toxic chemical, especially when it only works when applied topically to the teeth.
We should all have the right to determine what medicines and substances we intake, or don't intake.
This is why my family and I have installed a simple home filtration system.
It removes 50-60% of all the fluoride in water (the synthetic types only) along with 99% of many other known contaminants.
It only costs a few pennies a day to use, which is definitely work the protection and safely it provides for me and my family's health.
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