Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Get a Girlfriend Online - In 4 Easy Steps!

Many guys are turning to the internet these days as a way to meet women and find a girlfriend for themselves.
Heck, I did it...
And she's great, she's sleeping next to me right now as I write this! But, when I got started with this whole internet dating thing, I struggled, big time! So, I put together a program that's guaranteed to help you get a girlfriend online.
Here are the four steps: 1) Get a good pic.
The key to online dating success is your photo.
Get a great picture of yourself, put it up on a popular dating site like match.
com and watch the potential girlfriends start lining up! If you don't have a good picture, here's what you do: You don't need to be "good-looking" to pull this off...
Just shave and put on a cool shirt.
Then go to YouTube and watch a tutorial on how to pose for pictures, this might sound peculiar, but it's not, these tips work.
When you have a few decent photos, put them up on hotornot.
com overnight and see which one gets rated highest (use that one).
2) Set-up a profile that attracts.
The body of your dating profile should be pretty short, about 3-5 paragraphs.
More important than the words themselves is the tone you write in.
You want to sound like a confident, happy, masculine guy, as these traits are universally attractive to women.
Here's a basic template to organize your personal info: 1.
Say hello
Tell a funny anecdote from your life 3.
Talk about your lifestyle and interests 4.
Tell her to get in touch 3) Send personalized emails.
Although a good profile should entice women to email you first, don't leave this entirely up to them.
After all, there are destined to be some killer potential girlfriends out there who won't be able to find your profile on there own.
So here's what you do...
Write a fun personalized subject line based on something in the girls profile.
This will ensure that she will at least open your email.
Next, keep it simple.
Say hi, take something she wrote about and relate to it, make an interesting comment, a joke etc...
This let's the girl know that you are able to converse and relate to her.
Then, show some guts and ask her out.
Say, "Anyhow, if you'd like to meet up for a drink or something later in the week, that might be fun, what do you think?" Boom, you're done, now send out 5 emails like that to girls you want to date.
4) Charm the pants off of her! Once you've got a date lined up, play it smooth like you would with any other girl you are talking to.
Don't mention online dating or other dates you or she has been on with people from the internet.
Put that behind you and focus on her.
Also, never think of her as your "future girlfriend", lot's of guys make the huge mistake of becoming to invested in a girl they just met and thinking about her all the time.
This mind-set is not attractive to women.
Instead, try to have a more carefree approach to women and dating, don't take things too seriously.
This way when you meet your new girlfriend she'll be begging you to date her exclusively instead of the other way around!

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