The party rarely fields any state or local candidates anymore, although they do have affiliates at the local level in 15 states. The American Party is a far-right, Christian conservative organization, as evidenced by its platform. The American Party calls for:
- The immediate termination of all programs of foreign aid, whether military or non-military, to all foreign governments
- Immediate withdrawal from the UN and Nato
- The repeal of all federal gun legislation and state firearm laws which are not in accordance with the US Constitution
- Strong immigration reform including the repeal of amnesty laws and the prompt deportation of all illegal aliens and a clarification of the 14th Amendment that does not recognize the US citizenship of children born to illegal immigrants on US soil
- English as America’s official language
- The passage of a balanced budget amendment
- Raising tariffs on imported goods and a ban on all imported goods produced by child labor
- Protecting the ocean and fishing rights
- Eliminate regulations that artificially impede the production of domestic oil while enacting a transition to alternative fuels
- Protecting the right to life for all US citizens, including the unborn
- People have the right to choose their health care providers and have quality health care and no one – including the patient – has the right to make decisions that result in the death of the patient
- Outlawing cloning and the development of genetic mutations
- Parents have the right to choose how their children are educated
- Restoration of god to the public square
- Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman only