- The UN's Commission on Human Rights decided in 1946 that there needed to be a commission dedicated to the rights of women. This commission set forth many treaties adopted by the General Assembly that protected the rights of women in areas where they seemed the most vulnerable. The only issue not being effectively dealt with was discrimination. In 1967 the Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women was adopted, bringing to light controversial ideas like equality in marriage and family, and equality in employment. Still, though, it was not a treaty, so participation was voluntary for countries who adopted it.
- By 1976 the Commission on the Status of Women had prepared the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, abbreviated CEDAW. Its purpose was to create one way to voice international standards and stop discrimination against women by individuals, organizations, and enterprises. Required reports must be submitted by each participating country every four years to illustrate steps taken to comply with the provisions set forth in the convention.
- Adopted in 1979 and signed at the Copenhagen Conference in 1980, the CEDAW has been ratified in 186 countries. The United States is one of seven countries who have not taken the steps and ratified the treaty, in the company of countries like Iran, Sudan, and Somalia.
- President Jimmy Carter signed the CEDAW in 1980 but in 2011 it still has not been brought to the Senate for ratification. Lack of interest is attributed to the idea that a woman's right to be free from domestic and sexual violence, the right to equal education in employment and education, and the right to have access to health care have been put on the back burner to make room for other treaties. Ratification by the United States will advance women's rights at home and internationally by creating government backed checks and balances on issues like violence against women and also by offering provisions by experts in UN groups on policies and programs.
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