If you are obese, you know that you are at risk for many health problems.
You may feel that you need to lose weight fast in order to avoid major health problems.
If you have a lot of weight to lose then you must take it slow and pay attention to what your body is telling you.
If you choose to exercise and you feel out of breath or stressed then take a moment and rest or stop doing the exercise entirely.
Doing things quickly is not always the fastest path to optimum health.
Our culture is obsessed with thin people.
If you turn on the television and watch the programs for any length of time you will quickly see that there aren't many fat people on TV unless you are watching a reality show about losing weight.
This can have a very negative effect on your self-esteem.
You can feel the urge to lose weight quickly regardless of the consequences.
Do not cave in to the pressure because it can have serious consequences for your long-term well-being.
Small changes in your daily routine can yield big results over time.
If you give yourself a year or two to shed those excess pounds, you will feel less anxious about your progress.
Some of those changes include altering the way you eat.
A simple long-term way of restricting how much you eat is simply taking time to thoroughly chew your food and allow your body to signal your brain that you're full.
People who eat too fast normally consume many more calories than they need to.
The body's mechanism that signals your brain to tell you that you're full needs time to work properly.
Another very simple technique is to avoid eating snacks in front of the TV.
Eating in front of the television is extremely bad because you are not focusing on the act of eating and you absent-mindedly eat way too much.
Make sure that you don't eat and watch TV at the same time.
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