A Free Website Domain that Raised My Blood Pressure I must admit I'm a neophyte in the internet world as well as in the ABC's of the so-called "state-of-the art" website domain.
As a matter of fact, I got my Vista laptop only last December as a Christmas gift to me by my eldest daughter who was working in a hospital in England.
I had my SmartBro internet connection installed only this January 2009 and I just learned few simple RSS links, searches, and browsers.
Since it was my first time in the internet I took pleasure of browsing for some work-at-home jobs, bloggers, article writing opportunities, on-line marketing and other business offers.
In this end, I came across with some luring proposal of free membership MLM or affiliate programs wherein I gave way to almost every offer of this kind.
Reading some of their fascinating promises of easy huge earnings "without leaving your home", I was gradually conditioned to believe that this was the best offer so far and I started working on it until I became a member Affiliate.
I believe I did follow my lessons I learned from the articles of the so-called affiliate gurus - on how to send links to different websites "to expand my clout", send invites to friends, and other so-so in the affiliate system.
I did work on it for almost two months now and I still notice no changes in my Google AdSense Display Report.
Then came this company ads which claims; "greatly increases your internet presence".
Affiliate Program offers free training as well as domain names, website hosting, and a home business income opportunity.
affiliate program is 100% FREE with your...
Our top affiliates are producing well over $10,000 monthly!" I'm never against their system and their systems claim but I was just lured by this particular ads/offer..
"you can "test drive" your very own website for 7 days absolutely FREE of charge.
After your 7 day trial you could continue to build, keep and use that website to promote anything you want for the amazing price of...
Only $10.
00 Per Month.
" "And here's the good news.
You CAN safely try this out for 7 days and cancel it before the 7th day easily if you feel it is not right for you and you will not be charged or have to request for a refund.
I will show you an easy way.
" Then I signed up to this 7-day test drive for my so-called very own website hoping for the promising downlines and expected help as a member of this affiliate program for free.
Two days before the 7th day trial end wherein I saw no progress in my AdSense Report of Earnings I sent message to the company requesting for the cancellation of my domain account but I was told back that they only allow members to cancel it by phone...
for security reasons.
I could not do so however, since I'm in different time zone and it is expensive to call for USA for this particular purpose.
Then I browsed for some related FAQs about the alternative and I came across to this answer: Q: BUT, what if I am in a different time zone? and it is Expensive to Call USA? How can I Cancel? A: (The company) did mention in their website that, for security reasons, they only allow members to cancel by phone.
BUT, since this is a very valid reason, you can actually email (the company) to explain this reason to them and they will cancel your membership for you; they may even call you to confirm your cancellation.
To do this, you can log into your members area to find the contact form and use this contact form to contact (the company).
When I tried to log in I could not get access to my members' area.
There always appears a message of denied access because of "too many log in, please contact telephone number...
" So why should I rather contact them for a Contact Form if I could contact them for cancellation? The problem itself is "I'm in different time zone and it is expensive to call USA", and this is my reason why I chose the alternative!! Having this difficulty, my 7-day trial drive had lapsed and after just about two weeks, there is already a charge of P4,000.
00 (Philippine currency) in my credit card for their so-called domain.
This Peso amount is equivalent to $95 (U.
dollar) more or less, which is very different from the $10 a month offer for the domain.
Don't know how they compute it! Just for this reason, and also for security reasons, I was forced to have my very own credit card bank account canceled, to my own detriment.
I will not blame anyone for what happened because it's my own fault.
I just became too careless just like anybody else and I'm a little bit ashamed to people who best knew my caliber.
Please be careful signing up.
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